Tuesday 22 September 2015

Photos: Omawumi makes first post baby appearance at 2face's concert

Singer-songwriter, Omawumi who recently gave birth to her second child delivered a stellar performance at 2face Idibia's #Fortyfied all star tribute concert which held on Sunday at Eko Hotel. It was her first performance since welcoming her son. More photos after the cut...

Photo: Godswill Akpabio returns to Nigeria from the UK

The former Akwa Ibom state governor now Senator returned to Nigeria from the UK where he had gone for medical treatment after surviving a car crash in Abuja last month.

Kylie Jenner shares new bikini photos...

Kylie shared these new pictures of herself taken by the pool at her home in a two piece black bikini

LMAO! Twitter user just finished Kanye West's clothing line

Lol. C'mon man! C'mon!

Kylie Jenner's before and after butt photos

Yesterday Kylie Jenner spoke out about plastic surgery, saying she's never had any - and today, some people released before and after photo of her butt, insisting that she did get butt implants...lol. Do you see the difference?

Kylie Jenner's before and after butt photos

Yesterday Kylie Jenner spoke out about plastic surgery, saying she's never had any - and today, some people released before and after photo of her butt, insisting that she did get butt implants...lol. Do you see the difference?

The Beginning of the End for Trump: His Sarah Palin Moment


There comes a moment in the political life of every big-personality, more-sizzle-than-steak candidate when they step across the line of legitimacy, or illegitimacy (depending on your perspective), even for media addicted to the high ratings these candidate-entertainers provide. That moment for Sarah Palin was her Katie Couric interview in 2008 -- the hockey-mom-has-no-clothes revealing from which she, and the McCain campaign, never recovered. In Donald Trump's candidacy -- which The Huffington Post is appropriately covering in our Entertainment section -- the equivalent moment might have just happened.
It was not the moment in the second Republican debate when Carly Fiorina carved him up like an Easter ham with her withering "I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said" zinger. That drew blood (as did the dramatic 12 seconds she remained silent after her response), but it wasn't fatal. No, historians looking back will peg the beginning of the end of the Trump show to his New Hampshire moment last week. Taking questions at a town hall event in Rochester, Trump listened as an audience member asserted that President Obama is a Muslim, "not even an American." Trump looked the man square in the eye, and declared: "No ... He's a decent family man [and] a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about. He's not [an Arab]."
Just kidding. That was actually what John McCain -- the one Trump said is "not a war hero" -- said to a woman at a campaign rally in 2008 who claimed that President Obama was an Arab. What Trump really said was, well, pretty much nothing: "We are going to be looking at a lot of different things and, you know, a lot of people are saying that."
There are few things as absolute in damning a candidate as a refusal to acknowledge simple reality -- especially a candidate who says he'll be tough with our enemies but refuses to even stand up to his own supporters. Refusing to acknowledge that Obama was born in this country is the equivalent of refusing to say that the earth is round. Even Trump's own supporters are embarrassed. Mark Cuban on Real Time with Bill Maher last Friday had to scramble for cover by categorically stating that the candidate he's supporting for president "is not gonna win. He's got no chance... none."
So when will the media be embarrassed enough to refuse to continue to give Trump the large megaphone they are giving him? Not because he's the front-runner -- come on, let's stop pretending that's the reason -- but because of the ratings he fuels as the entertainer he undoubtedly is.
As Sarah Palin demonstrated, even the ratings-crazed media are capable of falling out of love with a big-ratings stunt candidate. With Trump, you can already see it happening. The cracks are beginning to show. And when the media fall out of love they fall out of love very quickly.
Here's Chuck Todd, on NBC Nightly News just hours after Trump's New Hampshire town hall:
It means a slow fall. ... over time, I think this is the week we're going to look back on and say, "maybe this was the beginning of the end of Trump '16." We'll find out.
Indeed we will. Already, Todd's oft-replayed interview on Trump's private plane now seems a distant memory.
And here is George Stephanopoulos on Sunday, repeatedly asking the candidate to answer whether President Obama was born in the United States, a question that had the straight talker dodging, ducking and twisting:
STEPHANOPOULOS: So for the record, was President Obama born in the United States?
TRUMP: Well, you know, I don't get into it, George. I think about jobs. I'm talking about the military. I don't get into it. I mean they ask that question and I just want to talk about the things, because frankly, it's of no longer interest to me. We're beyond that. And it's just something I don't talk about.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, the way to get beyond it is to answer yes or no.
Do you believe this...
TRUMP: Well, that's -- that's possible, but I don't get into it and I just don't talk about it.
And on and on it went.
Trump's perceived strength is that he's a straight talker, willing to say what everyone else is thinking but no one dares to say. But what his New Hampshire moment reveals is the opposite of straight talk. He could have answered yes or no to Stephanopoulos in the same way he could have corrected the questioner. He could have even just distanced himself from the racist, hateful, untruthful message -- anything to show that he did not implicitly agree with the notion that President Obama is a secret, foreign-born Muslim and that all Muslims are, as the questioner said, "a problem" to be gotten rid of. Instead, he chose to say nothing.
Trump's Sarah Palin moment reveals that he's living in another reality. His failure to set the record straight at one of his own campaign events isn't a matter of opinion; it's a matter of sanity and leadership. And anytime the media refuse to call out and hold a candidate accountable for such fundamental and incontrovertible untruths, that's irresponsible. Trump certainly provides plenty to work with: According to Politifact, he has made exactly zero "true" statements. So the New Hampshire moment will also, we hope, mark the moment the media have begun, at last, to do their job. So far Trump has been allowed to play by his own rules -- using the same standards for a presidential campaign as he brought to his career as an entertainer and reality show star -- and the media have given him a pass. He's been treated as an exception -- even allowed to phone in to the morning shows (even the Sunday ones) whenever he wants to air his ridiculous views -- which has only fueled the media mania surrounding his run.
But the mania is starting to fade. Cracks are appearing in Trump's latest Trump-branded edifice -- because this one never actually had a foundation. The only surprise is that the unraveling of Trump, the candidate who can't stop talking, came not from something he said, but something he didn't say.

Is Caitlyn Jenner In ‘Constant Agony’ Following Gender Transition Surgeries?

While she may be looking how she has always wanted to look, Caitlyn Jenner is apparently in ‘constant pain’ following all her recent surgeries. 
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According to those pesky ‘source’ types over at RadarOnline, Cait is having a right old nightmare following her various gender transition procedures.
She’s apparently in ‘agony’ and ‘constantly’ dosing up on painkillers.
“Caitlyn’s in constant pain since she had all those operations. She’s happy with how her transformation’s going, but she’s finding the surgery hell on her body,” the ‘source’ told the site, adding:
“She’s currently taking painkillers until the work on her face and body settles in.”
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However, the 65-year-old is believed to be pleased with how things and going and totally certain that the pain is worth it.
“She’s happy with how her transformation’s going, but she’s finding the surgery hell on her body,” the source added.
HOWEVER, Gossip Cop reckons that they have heard direct from Caitlyn’s reps who have flat out denied the story.
Instead, they say that the “only pain Jenner has is RadarOnline.”
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Caitlyn Jenner is believed to have spent millions of dollars on the best gender reassignment surgery that money can buy – including a face lift, brow lift and changes to the hairline, forehead, jaw and chin.
The reality star is yet to confirm whether or not she’ll actually go through with the full genital transition.
However, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s ‘Standards Of Care’ advises that genital surgery not be done until at least a year after transition.
We guess we will have to wait and see. Well, hopefully not literally.

$50,000 a night hotel room? With or without breakfast? Lol

The Ty Warner Penthouse suite in New York is the priciest suite in the US as it costs $50k a night. Why does it cost that much? Well, according to the business Insider, it has an amazing 360-degree panorama (as it is the highest suite in the Big Apple). It is 400 square metres (4,300 sq ft) which is about the size of an NBA basketball court. Plus a 56 square metre bedroom with finishing touches like Thai silk with 22 carat gold threads. The suite comes with its own private elevator, a 24-hour private butler, a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce, an art concierge (to guide you through the hotel’s collection) and a personal trainer and the suite can accommodate up to three people.

But then again, when you think about it sensibly...there are way better things to do with $50k...lol

2yr old girl murdered by her mother's boyfriend because he thought she was possessed by devil

The child known as 'Baby Doe' whose remains were found on an island in Boston Harbor has been identified after a long and exhaustive search. The girl's body was found in a trash bag on June 25 by a woman who was walking her dog on Deer Island, Boston Globe reports.

Horrifying details about the girl's short life and death were revealed in court Monday morning, Sept. 21 as her mom, Rachelle Bond, and Bond's boyfriend, Michael McCarthy, were arraigned after their arrest on Friday.

Bella Bond was killed in her bedroom by her mother's boyfriend - a man who was convinced the toddler was possessed by demons, a prosecutor told a Boston courtroom on Monday.

McCarthy, 35, is being held without bond on a murder charge. Bond, 40, is being held on $1 million bail after authorities charged her as an accessory after the fact. Assistant District Attorney David Deakin told a Dorchester District Court judge on Monday that a "lifelong friend" of McCarthy's broke the case open. The friend told authorities that he had lived with Bond and McCarthy for a week or two just several months before her death, and was "appalled by their treatment" of Bella.

"What troubled him the most was that both of them, particularly Mr. McCarthy, had locked the girl in the closet for 30 minutes to an hour while she screamed to be let out," Deakin said. "Mr. McCarthy told the lifelong friend that she was possessed by demons, and that's why she deserved that treatment." The treatment escalated into deadly force sometime in late May, Deakin said, when one night, Bella refused to go to bed. "Mr. McCarthy said he was going to go to the back bedroom and calm her down," Deakin said. When Bond went to check on them, he continued, "She found Mr. McCarthy standing over Bella... with his hand near her abdomen." Bella wasn't talking.

Bond noticed her face was swollen, Deakin said. "She went to her daughter and picked her up and she told police that she knew at that moment that her daughter was dead." No manner of death has been determined by a medical examiner. Suffocation or asphyxiation, which could have resulted from blunt force to her stomach, wouldn't necessarily leave signs of physical trauma, Deakin said.

McCarthy allegedly told Bond that Bella "was a demon anyway. It was her time to die." He then allegedly threatened to kill Bond if she reported anything to police. Both Bond and McCarthy have prior criminal records and were involved in drugs, Deakin said. They will return to court on Oct. 20. The friend who tipped off authorities told them that he texted McCarthy, asking where Bella was after noticing a resemblance between the billboards put up across Boston seeking information about a "Baby Doe." The friend said McCarthy claimed Bella had been taken away by child services, who twice visited Bella over the course of her lifetime but left her in Bond's custody.

After killing Bella, according to Deakin, McCarthy stuffed her body in a trash bag and kept it in a refrigerator for days before dumping her in the Boston Harbor. When her body was found, she was dressed in white pants with black polka dots and a zebra-print blanket was left in the trash bag. The woman who discovered Bella's body noticed the bag after her dog began pawing at it.

Authorities also found books on "demons and demonology" in the apartment the couple shared, Deakin said. They were allegedly high on heroin for several days after Bella's death. Bella's father, Joseph Amoroso, told local media in Boston that Bond told him her boyfriend killed the girl. Amoroso, 32, said he had been living in Florida for the past couple of years and had never met his daughter.

He also wiped tears from his eyes as he sat and listened in court on Monday. Bella had pierced ears and appeared well-nourished at the time of her death. She would have turned 3 years old last month. Source: Boston Globe