Tuesday 22 September 2015

Is Caitlyn Jenner In ‘Constant Agony’ Following Gender Transition Surgeries?

While she may be looking how she has always wanted to look, Caitlyn Jenner is apparently in ‘constant pain’ following all her recent surgeries. 
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According to those pesky ‘source’ types over at RadarOnline, Cait is having a right old nightmare following her various gender transition procedures.
She’s apparently in ‘agony’ and ‘constantly’ dosing up on painkillers.
“Caitlyn’s in constant pain since she had all those operations. She’s happy with how her transformation’s going, but she’s finding the surgery hell on her body,” the ‘source’ told the site, adding:
“She’s currently taking painkillers until the work on her face and body settles in.”
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However, the 65-year-old is believed to be pleased with how things and going and totally certain that the pain is worth it.
“She’s happy with how her transformation’s going, but she’s finding the surgery hell on her body,” the source added.
HOWEVER, Gossip Cop reckons that they have heard direct from Caitlyn’s reps who have flat out denied the story.
Instead, they say that the “only pain Jenner has is RadarOnline.”
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Caitlyn Jenner is believed to have spent millions of dollars on the best gender reassignment surgery that money can buy – including a face lift, brow lift and changes to the hairline, forehead, jaw and chin.
The reality star is yet to confirm whether or not she’ll actually go through with the full genital transition.
However, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s ‘Standards Of Care’ advises that genital surgery not be done until at least a year after transition.
We guess we will have to wait and see. Well, hopefully not literally.

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