Friday 13 November 2015

Lagos Babe Accused Of Duping "Rich Lover" Reacts; Exposes The Man & His Lies (DETAILS)

A man who claimed to be Mr Ajayi released information some weeks back to the media that a Lagos babe and some of her family members defrauded him with the pretense that she was ready to marry him and he was sending money for her upkeep and eventually send a total of N5m to her to buy a land for him. But, according to him, rather than buy the said land, she got married to another man.
Anyway, two persons from the lady's family had contacted OluFamous.Com on this issue to try and set the records straight but "Ajayi" has been missing. Read the lady's comprehensive response below:

RE: Fake Love: Lagos Babe Dupes Her Rich Lover of N5.3m
I wish to respond to the above captioned publication purportedly written by one Mr Ajayi, which was a deliberate and calculated effort by a man to tarnish my image and rubbish that of my highly respected and responsible family members for no justifiable reasons. 
The real name of the man masquerading as Mr Ajayi is Marcel Nwabanwanne Chilokwu (a.k.a. Marcel Mark) who according to him lives in Senegal. He is from Anambra State.
My first contact with him was via Facebook, where we became friends. He proposed to marry me. I requested that if he was serious about that he should come over to meet me in Lagos so that we can talk things over, and thereafter he should meet some of my relations. He actually came over to Lagos, where he met my maternal uncle, Pastor Dayo Ajisafe who is a father figure to me, in his Ikeja office. He talked to us and counselled us. We thereafter met with my elder brother, Mr Tajudeen Oruku in his house, who equally gave us his own counsel.

In all these meetings there was no any discussions about money, business, land transaction or any pecuniary matter whatsoever. And no money changed hands. He thereafter returned to Senegal. However we remained in contact for sometime afterwards.

Not long after I began to notice some untoward behavior from Mr Marcel. He bullied me on phone, he hacked into my Facebook Account and sent messages to my contacts, abusing the male contacts of dating me. The embarrassment became so much, that I took a decision to brake the relationship. Because all those character traits I noticed were danger signals for any meaningful relationship.

I thereafter moved on and got married to my present husband. But when he got to know that I have been married to another man, he called me to threaten me. He actually threatened among other actions to blackmail me and my family. But I did not imagine that this is how he was going to carry it out.

I wish to state categorically that we never had any discussion concerning land transaction, neither did I collect the sum of N5,300,000 or any sum whatsoever from him to buy land for him or for any other purpose. Mr Marcel was only carrying out on a vengeance mission against me for turning down his marriage proposal!

If he has any proof to the contrary let him bring them forward. I am not in hiding, (like him that is hiding using fictitious name) if indeed I collected such sum from him he should come to get me and prosecute me and take positive steps to retrieve his money.

While our friendship lasted the only sum which he freely gave me was an amount that was less than N50,000, which he sent to me through money gram at two different occasions. My identity card, bank account details, and pictures which he made reference to were criminally obtained by him, as I did not give this informations and documents to him at any time neither did I receive any money from him through the bank account. This is a verifiable fact through the bank.

In the continuation of his plethora of lies and fabrications against me, he said the FBI, DSS and EFCC are now involved in this matter. It is all lies, I don't have any issue with any security outfit, if there is any truth in his claim I should have been in their custody as I have never been in hiding.

Another clear pointer to the fact that he is lying is his claim that he involved FBI, an American domestic security and intelligence agency to handle a domestic affair in Nigeria ! FBI is an American domestic agency, there is no way they can be involved in a matter in Nigeria.

I am more pained by fact that he tried to tarnish the hard earn reputations of my respected family members, especially that of Pastor Dayo Ajisafe, a respected community leader, a senior pastor of a reputable religious organization and a retired senior public officer, whose only 'sin' against Mr Marcel was that they gave him audience when he came to visit them.

It is my belief that every discerning mind can filter the truth from the lies in this matter.
I and my family members especially the individuals he mentioned their names in the publication are already consulting with our lawyer with a view to take legal action of both criminal and civil litigation against this Mr Marcel.

- from Temitayo Oruku

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