Thursday 3 September 2015

How to buy Camry and don't mess up while at it. Jiji’s tips and tricks

This was not written by me. It is a sponsored post. Read below...
Hey guys! I am here to share my experience buying pre used car via . We all know that buying a new car is not always an option, but nonetheless we still need to get places. So  thanks to my old friend and googling I finally made up my mind.

I had a choice: 

     Going out in the city and hitting up some car dealers
     Going to a friends house and picking his old car
     Going on classifieds and try to get one there
     Quitting the whole thing and go to the bar

So that is what I did: being a lazy person I threw first two options away since they required actually moving my ass, and the last one I saved for later.

Since I had only phone on me at that time I went to Google Play Market and read some reviews. More or less adequate ones I saw on APP. Besides, I remember friends boasting about the bike she got via JiJi almost for free, I decided to find more information and found this:

Anyways. First thing that hit me was the color of the app. I am a huge fan of simple and green, in addition liked selection of the city so it made up my mind from the start. 

Searching was pretty easy too, I just typed in Toyota Camry and a rain of ads fell before my feet. I had a huge variety of cars from 1999 to 2015 models. clean and ready to be driven again.


My budget wasn’t that limited so I went for a 2008 model, fairly used and with full package.

So here are some screenshots for you to see why I liked I really liked whole idea of login with Facebook (I really hate creating new accounts each time).

So, this is how the app looks in general. Now time to see through the ads. Buying on JiJi was actually really easy and a few things warmed my heart: each ad I encountered had notification about safety. That is so sweet to care for the users. Although, I assume not everyone pays attention to this: 

And this is how ad looks like. You can browse through the photos, or choose how to contact the seller (message or call). I recommend calling the person just click on the button “Show contacts” and make a call. It will make your purchase more personal and heartwarming. Also you can bargain the crap out of the seller and in the end receive a good discount. Which I did : D

In the end I got what I wanted - functioning car with all the safety I needed. After meeting up with the seller and giving the car a spin we made a deal. Now I am a proud owner of Toyota Camry Red Edition.

To sum things up:

     I have an amazing car for the half price of a new one
     Jiji has an awesome app that is simple to use
     I learned about saving up money all thanks to Jiji
     And I got drunk later that day :)

 And this all thanks to Jiji App. Install and try it yourself!

Download app here

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