Monday 7 September 2015

Anti-malaria drive: Mortein mobilizes mothers in Oyo to action

The Mortein train is going round Nigeria with its Anti-Malaria Campaign to empower Nigerians with the right information they need to have so that they can protect themselves from mosquitoes and stay healthy. Through its New Mom Programme, Mortein has reached approximately 5 million new moms in the hospitals since inception.

As part of strategy to scale up the coverage, the Mortein anti-malaria campaign train was at communities and Primary Health Centres in Oyo State recently during which the team comprising educators, nurses and Roll Back Malaria officials educated mothers on cost effective practices to eliminate mosquitoes, which are the causative agents of malaria.

These include maintaining clean environment at all times by clearing water drainages, elimination of stagnant waters and cutting of grasses within their surroundings. Other important steps are sleeping under Long Lasting Insecticide Nets (LLINs) and use ofsafe insecticides which meet the WHO specification like Mortein. 

Sharing experience on how the malaria prevention enlightenment initiative by Mortein has impacted them, a mother, Mrs. Temitope Adekunle residing in Boluwaji, Ibadan South-East Local Government said, “Prior to this time, many of us did not have much knowledge on how we can prevent malaria. With this campaign by Mortein, we have learnt the benefits of a clean environment, sleeping under treated mosquito nets and very importantly, using insecticide that kills hundred per cent mosquitoes, which is Mortein.”

A new mom and trader, Mrs. Winifred Igbirere, revealed her frustration over the inefficiency of some insecticides that she had tried before until she tried Mortein and experienced the difference. “Mortein is very powerful, it kills mosquitoes and keeps me and my family protected for over a week after we spray it. I have tried other insecticides but they are all not effective. Mortein is the number one for me”, she said.

According to the Marketing Director, RB West Africa, Mr. Oguzhan Silivrili Mortein has been at the forefront of the fight against malaria in Nigeria via a number of initiatives targeted at empowering Nigerians so that together we can defeat malaria. We believe malaria can be eliminated in Nigeria which is the reason Mortein is championing the cause for a malaria-free Nigeria.

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