Thursday 9 July 2015

President Buhari Should Be Allowed To Gather Momentum

It is no news that Nigeria needs to be fixed; riddled with corruption in all spheres of the economy, it is obvious that it needs a fix. We have all heard of various corrupt practices at various levels in the country from spending monies not appropriated in the budget to oil theft, Boko Haram, kidnapping, robbery, employment scandals, dubious contracts, and so on.

The state of the nation in terms of dilapidated infrastructure such as roads, electricity, and so on is of major concern to well-meaning Nigerians. We are all in this together and we will be needing to work towards the major goal of getting our economy to where it needs to be.

For our nation to move forward the President needs to be given some time to lay foundations because without foundations all strategies will not yield desired result. There is a need for coordinated and calculated approach in the policies and programs of this new administration.
Strategies not properly executed will end up being a failed project no matter how wonderful the idea is and that is why we will be needing the people to give the President sometime to put his house together like he is gradually doing now. 

He obviously should know that the country expects a lot from him and he is working at it gradually. To now jump to a conclusion that he is not working or he is slow is too early for our collective interest as a nation. Comments like that incite people to heat up the polity.

Having said all this,I believe that the main agenda of this administration should focus on two basic elements and should be solved both tactically and strategically not in bits nor shatter here and there. It should be done in a coordinated approach. The two basic focus should be VALUE FOR LIFE & LIVING, and INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT.

Like I have said before any plan or agenda should be properly coordinated before execution. The value for life and living is not only limited to eradicating the Boko Haram or kidnapping menace but also to Health care, Insurance capabilities, safe driving, quality education, blocking all lope holes to corruption, police (or uniform men) brutality, Police reforms, Military reforms, acts of impunity, creating employment opportunities, and so on.

As for Infrastructural development we need our roads across the country to be in good condition and this can be done within two years with a will and coordinated approach; the rail can be channeled for better productivity; electricity should be a major focus as without this there can be no major development (I have this opinion that if Nigeria generates 50,000mega watts of electricity within the next four years given our current population estimates, we will leap to being top 15 economies in the world in less than 2years after that) and so on.

By Gross Domestic Product various organisations such has IMF, World Bank, UN, and the CIA have ranked us to be between 21 and 27 top economies in the world but how has that translated to having a decent place to sleep for the common man or having good water to drink or even having steady and good electricity? This means if we are between 21 and 27 in the world by GDP currently and a lot of people are still living below poverty line,if we can coordinate ourselves properly and have a focused vision we will be among the top 15 in the world, no doubt. Therefore, for us to get to this point we will be needing to allow the current government focus and not be distracted.

However, according to we are ranked to be 120 in economy freedom index in the world. It is of no news that the Nigerian economy can be easily affected negatively by happenings in the foreign policy of other countries or negative happenings in such countries because we rely mainly on imports. Take a look at our forex market today what is going on there would have been avoided if we were not so dependent on buying from other countries. Therefore, infrastructure such as our refineries should be considered so as to serve Nigerians properly. Hence the need to coordinate us towards a desired goal for development; this takes some time.

The current government should be allowed to have a focus and should be helped with constructive criticism not antagonistic comments. There is a need for us all to come together as one to ensure we make Nigeria greater than our founding fathers imagined. This is a collective responsibility for us all as a nation. Having said this he should be allowed the time to gather his team since he is not a dictator but as a democrat,he must carry the people along in line with the constitution. We should give him time to show that he is a man of vision and strong will. If after a good period of time he is not coming forth with a good coordinated plan then we can point to him where he has gone wrong and if he refuses to listen, then we can do what the people do best during elections.

We need to give him time to coordinate those who will help him achieve his electoral promises. We must also note that this is beyond his ministerial appointees there are also other silent appointees that will be required for this task to take place. After he has appointed them he will still be needing time to sell his vision to them for proper coordination. Let’s all give him all the support to move Nigeria forward.

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
God bless all Nigerian citizens.
God bless our President.
by AyodeleKomolafe

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