Monday 11 April 2016

Read This Funny Piece: Leave Matter For Matthias

As written by Reuben Abati...
“I saw something yesterday. I thought it was a joke.”

“What happened?”
“Nigerians and their sense of humour; we always manage to squeeze laughter out of every situation, no matter how sad.”
“I don’t like the suspense. What is it?” “I attended a wedding engagement ceremony.”
“When the groom’s family was presenting gifts to the bride’s family, do you know what they did?”
“I am with you”
“They suddenly brought out two 50-litre jerry cans of fuel, which they presented to the bride’s father, with a declaration that they don’t want their in-law to go through any stress during this season of fuel scarcity”
“Correct in-laws!”
“We all burst into laughter. Even the bride’s father was almost sprawling on the floor with laughter. He quickly gave his daughter’s hand in marriage.”
“Trust Nigerians.”
“It turned out that the bridegroom’s father owns a petrol station. Talk of using what you have to get what you want.”
“Free fuel for life. No more fuel scarcity in that family. The bride chose well. In this type of country, you have to marry wisely.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Must people choose husbands because of fuel, something that should be taken for granted?
“Dey there. This fuel crisis is so serious at least two universities have had to shut down and send the students home.”
“I read the statement by the University of Lagos authorities. The university had to be closed due to the collapse of municipal services. No fuel. No light, and the students had become riotous.”
“That must be the first time in the entire world that a university would have to close down because there is no fuel in the country. Terrible indictment.”
“Well, that’s Nigeria for you. But I expect the students to show understanding. It is not the fault of the university authorities.”
“Hardship is difficult to understand. Many of the students had to trek from the campus to their various homes.”
“They should not complain, please. It is called Trekking for Sai Baba. After the election last year, didn’t many of them trek for Sai Baba? They certainly didn’t know that was just a technical rehearsal and that serious trekking will soon come. Anybody wey no get fuel, make e trek.”
“I hear some people are even planning Occupy Nigeria protests.”
“Because of fuel scarcity?”
“Because a litre of fuel is now about N350 per litre.”
“They better don’t get themselves shot. Hen hen. If they think it is that kind of Occupy Nigeria that they tried with GEJ, let them go and try their luck this time around. You better tell that your stubborn brother not to go to Ojota to occupy anything oh, I don’t want to write a condolence message. What we need is not protests. That won’t bring fuel. What we need is a different kind of citizen action.”
“Which is?”
“The truth is that some people are sabotaging Nigerians. Independent marketers are hoarding fuel deliberately, so they can sell at a premium. And many of them are sadists. Even when they have fuel, have you not noticed that they usually sell from one pump? What stops them from selling from three or four pumps at the same time? But apparently, seeing a long queue, and people in agony makes some of them happy.”
“I even understand that some fuel station managers tell the pump attendants that they must deliver N50, 000 to them daily. That’s why when you buy fuel in many of these stations, the attendant tells you upfront that you will have to drop something.”
“And at the end, you don’t even get what you buy in full measure, because the meters have been tampered with.”
“Nigerians are their own problem. We like to inconvenience one another and yet we blame government all the time.”
“The people are the government. The ones in public office punish the people; those outside inflict pain on each other. We are all guilty as members of a large community of sadists.”
“So, have you started your fuel business? The NNPC Mega Station of jerry cans of fuel that you talked about.”
“I am still on it”
“You plan to start when fuel scarcity ends?”
“You think this thing will ever end? Look, do you know that it is actually a good business. I went to visit a friend the other day, and I told him I didn’t have fuel. He just made a phone call. Before I knew it, somebody brought fuel in two big jerry cans.”
“Home delivery?”
“Yes. People are now doing home delivery of fuel as if they are delivering Pizza. N500 per litre. Some people collude with fuel station managers. They store fuel in jerry cans and they do home delivery if you are willing to pay. I saw it with my two eyes.”
“By the time this fuel scarcity is over, some people will become billionaires. In my own case, when I was looking for fuel, my driver took me to a house where the gateman spoke to the landlord and they brought out fuel. It was as if I was in another world. A small-scale business has developed around this fuel scarcity crisis, and while you and I are wailing, some people are hailing the change that has come.”
“All the people profiting from the people’s agony should be reported, arrested and publicly shamed as saboteurs.”
“That doesn’t require citizen action.”
“But the people must report sharp practices at fuel stations, and the illegal conversion of private homes to fuel dumps!”
“Who should they report to?”
“The Police. The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR).”
“To do what?”
“To check meters at fuel stations, to arrest marketers who are punishing the people and making government look bad. There is a Weights and Measures law in this country for Heaven’s sake.”
“Police. DPR. You will just create another layer of fraud. You’d be surprised the officials that should enforce the law, will be bribed with fuel and cash.”
“Then such officials should also be reported.”
“I beg. Leave that matter for Matthias. The last time I slept at a fuel station, I saw uniformed men asking for officer’s price.”
“Officer’s price, how?”
“Exactly what it says. Three guys came to the station. They flashed their identity cards or well, what looked like identity cards, and they said Oga sent them to buy fuel, and they wanted officer’s price.”
“Meaning they would not pay up to N200 or N350 per litre.”
“And the manager agreed?”
“Would he not agree? We were all there gawking as the officers loaded about twelve jerry cans into their vehicle and left the rest of us there.”
“And nobody protested?”
“Protest? Have you not heard about people who have been killed at fuel stations by officers?”
“The martyrs of fuel scarcity! I hope NNPC will remember to send condolence messages to the affected families.”
“Na NNPC kill them?”
“No be NNPC kill them?”
“Na NNPC pull the trigger? Small time now, you’d say NNPC also killed the man and his two children who stored fuel in their room and got engulfed in a fire accident.”
“No be NNPC kill them?”
“But what happened to the promised April 7?”
“Did I not tell you nothing will happen on April 7, and that it was wrong to put a date to the end of fuel scarcity.”
“Next month, then.”
“Or the month after.”
“Don’t be pessimistic.”
“Okay, until the right steps are taken.”
“Like succumbing to the blackmail of fuel importers?”
“No. Like throwing anybody who tries to sabotage Nigeria behind bars, be they pipeline vandals or greedy fuel importers looking for free cash, waivers and patronage.”
“I hear you. But for government to work, you must still allow some people small space to enjoy government.”
“Sorry. Nation-building is not about enjoying government. It is about service.”
“I hear you.”
“That’s why government officials have now been told that they cannot travel First Class.”
“I am not really sure anybody travels First Class in government.”
“Are you sure?”
“I think the highest level is business class.”
“Well, whatever. But really, the rule should be that every government official must travel Economy, if the ticket has to be paid for by government. Economy. And if you want to travel Upper Deck class, you pay from your pocket.”
“Yes, economy.”
“That will amount to punishment. Even poor me, I don’t like economy. People yawn, snore, and open their mouths in your face, they talk too much, and some people in economy class are so crude, they actually fart and pollute the air.”
“But the plane will get to the same destination and everybody will come down and go their way.”
“We are talking comfort here.”
“If it is your money, no problem. But even when it is your money, I am always angry when I see people putting their children, babies that are under 10, in Business Class and First Class. Nigerians like to waste money. Some of those children will grow up and may never in their lives be able to travel so richly, so what happens to them?”
“You don’t have to curse other people’s children. One of the rules of capitalism is the freedom to make your money and spend it as you wish.”
“Some government officials spend government money to take their wives and children abroad and they put them in Business Class.”
“Such people should be sanctioned. But you know, everything failed long ago in the public sector.”
“I know. We all know.”
“And to save Nigeria is not an easy task.”
“I know. I know. But that does not mean some people should sleep on the job.”
“Like who and who?”
“All I know is that some Ministers are not just asleep, some of them are even snoring.”
“There is no budget yet”
“And that calls for snoring?”
“Okay, name up to ten Ministers in Abuja.”
“Why should I know their names? Do they know me?”
“You see?”
“You know?”
“That’s right?”
“When you are given a job, you do it. You have to be seen to be doing the job. Going to Abuja to sleep and snore on the job? That is not service. That is disloyalty.”
“I have an idea. For a Minister to function, he or she needs to be empowered. Empowerment. Very important.”
“I beg. Leave matter for Matthias.”
“I think you just picked up that slang. Everything Matthias. That was how one Matthias spoke roughly at a fuel station and he earned a swollen face for his effrontery. You better watch your mouth.”
“Leave matter for Matthias. Let’s discuss something else.”

Buhari Refuses To Sign 2016 Budget: Dirty Details Exposed

* Ministers says Buhari should not sign ‘mutilated’ budget
* National Assembly tampers with key projects
* Presidency spots eight key defects in budget details
* They slashed money for completion of major road projects 

The Presidency and Ministers have identified 8 major ‘assaults’ by National Assembly on the 2016 Budget sent to President Muhammadu Buhari last Thursday for his assent.

The infractions were detected by ministers at Friday’s emergency meeting called to vet the budget details.

According to The Nation, this development is now stalling the signing into law of the bill by the President until his return from a week-long trip to China. But he plans to engage the National Assembly in talks with a view to resolving the issues, sources familiar with the matter said.

In contention are funds proposed by the executive for key infrastructures but which were either removed from the budget or slashed drastically by the National Assembly in the details presented to him.

One of these is the Coastal Railway project which Buhari plans to discuss with the Chinese government. He is departing Abuja Sunday for Beijing at the start of the visit.

Government earmarked N60billion counterpart funds for the important project but the NASS removed it completely from the budget details.

It was gathered that Buhari had planned to assent to the Appropriation Bill but the “strategic and fundamental errors and oversights” in the details may now delay it by another week.

The Presidency also found that the NASS:
*Expunged the Calabar – Lagos rail line project from the budget details;
*Reduced allocation to the completion Idu-Kaduna rail project by N8.7b;
*Slashed allocations for the completion of all major road projects across the country;
*Proposed new roads for which studies have not been conducted;
*Dropped proposals for the purchase of essential drugs for major health campaigns like Polio and AIDS;
*Cancelled or reduced allocations for diversification projects under Agriculture and Water Resources; and
*Diverted funds for rural health facilities and boreholes for which provisions had been made elsewhere.

Throwing light on the issue, a well placed source said: “The National Assembly transmitted the details to the President on Thursday, April 7, 2016 and because he was desirous of giving assent to the Appropriation Bill before leaving for China, he directed that the Ministers should review the provisions/appropriations of their respective ministry to fast-track the process.

“The document was distributed same Thursday to all ministers and a meeting was agreed for Friday to get everything sorted out for the President’s briefing and assent. That was why the Vice President, who is the Head of the Economic Team presided over the meeting and not the President.

“At the meeting, it was noticed that some very key aspects of the Budget, which have to do with government’s core infrastructural focus were removed. One of which is the subject of the President’s trip to China – the Coastal Railway project – for which a counterpart funding of N60b was provided, but which was completely removed by the National Assembly.”

The Executive is working on two major rail arteries, among other rail projects, to service the northern and eastern part of the country – the Lagos-Kano line and the Calabar-Lagos line.

Provision for the Lagos-Kano rail line was left untouched, the Calabar-Lagos line was removed entirely.

Both projects are to be funded jointly by China and Nigeria. The source said that the amount proposed for the completion of the Idu-Kaduna rail project which “has reached an advanced stage was reduced by N8.7b, a development which will make it difficult for the project to be completed.”

Continuing, the source said: “The other fundamental area noticed was in respect of completion of on-going road projects. While the Executive had provided for the completion of all major road projects across the country, the National Assembly reduced the amounts provided and instead included new roads which studies have not even been conducted.

“The amounts provided by the National Assembly for the projects can neither complete the on-going road projects nor the new ones proposed. At the end of the year no significant progress would have been made.”

Asked of the next step, the source said: “Because of these observations, the President is engaging further with the National Assembly to resolve them and hopes that it would be resolved by the time he returns from his trip to China.

“The President is desirous of signing the bill into law so that the implementation of the provisions could begin in earnest for the benefit of all Nigerians

Sex Trafficking: Weeping Girls and The Stupid Game

Written by Ifeoma Samuel
Everyone has a story. The only difference is what, how and why we share it. This is a story about the game that would move you.

This game for money, about money and all for money. The goods on the table are the girls...
Sadly, most time the exchange is against consent from its victims.

After my recent visit to their home, I gained an understanding of the depth of this madness. I gleaned thoughts together and pulled up a seat to write the story of girls who are the wares on this disgraceful table of abominations. Their story uncovers secrets and the insatiable lust of men who desire underage girls for a sport and the greed of a set of people who are enriching themselves by satisfying these inhumane desires.

I am intrigued by the number of girls under the bondage of their slave masters, and who are forced to sell their bodies for s*x. The most painful thing is that many of them were taken from their parents with the promise of a good life and life-changing opportunities in the city. Unfortunately, these naïve parents and relatives committed their wards into the hands of wolves in sheep clothing. Ultimately, many of them are betrayed into modern day slavery at the price of their lives.

For what the Bible says about this read Exodus 21:16 and I Timothy 1:9-11. There is a place for repentance.

But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. – Ezekiel 18:21

Captured in purity, drugged, bullied, starved and threatened, emotionally and physically battered, violated man after man repeatedly. Their blood lines those treacherous walls of brothels. They are hurled off as animals waiting to be slaughtered by cowardly beasts. Sex trafficked victims are mostly teenage girls who are defenceless, weak, bullied, threatened and left without a voice.

I shed tear after tear listening to their gut wrenching experiences but my heart moved when I saw the rescue efforts made. The light of hope, eagerness to finally be able to pursue their dreams, sparkled through the eyes of the rescued girls; for me there a smile lined across my face at the ray of hope.

Today, I urge you to blow the whistle. Enough of this senseless crime on our streets, I say enough. Join me and say enough.

These girls need you and I to protect them from the atrocious acts that rob them of their future, their dignity and deprives them of their proper place in the society. No girl child should ever be subjected to these horrendous acts of s*x slavery. It is a far cry from what we stand for as a people in this great country Nigeria.

You tie your tongues and look the other way because it is not your kid who is being violated. Nevertheless, I tell you this, someone is paying for your silence. Your silence is destroying our future generation. If you know or suspect people engaged in these atrocities, please call the proper authorities and save lives.

Speaking of saving lives, I am impressed with what this family is doing to rehabilitate, equip and empower these girls. Some girls they have sent back to school to continue their education, others they have trained, mentored and sponsored through various vocational studies and have equipped to become their own persons.

Mr. and Mrs. Silver Oyaide of Sought After Women and Children Foundation have shown so much courage and bravery in taking on the daunting task, working in collaboration with other NGOs and government agencies to rescue these victims. The rehabilitation centre, Home of Sharon, is poised to meet the needs of these women, including spiritual, physical and emotional support, and life training amongst others.

Using this platform, I am also applauding the tireless efforts of the National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons, NAPTIP, in halting sex trafficking and human trafficking in Nigeria and ensuring the rehabilitation.

You too can get on board to help these girls. Right now, the organisation is in urgent need of a permanent property because it is on the verge of being evacuated from its present location. This home is a symbol of hope, second chance and house of refuge for many. For more enquiries as how you can support their cause, please visit theirWebsite.

By His Great Grace,
Ifeoma Samuel

See Photos From The 2016 MTV Movie Awards

The stars turned up in their numbers for the 2016 MTV Movie Awards which took place in Los Angeles on Saturday night. It was all glitz and glam. Just check out the photos...

President Obama Speaks: Donald Trump Won’t Succeed Me

President Barack Obama is confident that Donald Trump will not be the next President of the united states.

Speaking at a fundraiser, he said, "I recognize that there is a deep obsession right now about Mr. Trump. And one of you pulled me aside and squeezed me hard and said, 'Tell me...that Mr. Trump is not succeeding you'!" Obama said he assured the Democrat that, "Mr. Trump's not succeeding me."

Funny enough, even Republican leaders are not keen on making Trump their presidential candidate.

Just Imagine How Marriages Are Collapsing Because of Sex

Marriage can only be truly enjoyed if the foundation is built on sincerity and God's principles. Divorce is bad but some ladies today are desperately trying to make it look like it's normal. They get married and still want to keep in touch with boyfriends for money and end up sleeping with them.

Live right because every act you engage in comes with consequences, now or in future; no escaping.

As written by Yetunde Arebi:
In our culture, once a man marries a woman and all is well, it is around her that he builds his empire and nurtures his desires and hopes for the future. The fruits of his labour are expended on his wife and the fruits of their loins, with the belief that they will be the joys of his old age.
No matter the challenges, this oftentimes should not erode her value or undermine her position in his home. For as long as she remains the chosen one, she is expected to be out of reach for other men...

Being a Mrs is no mean tag. The position of a wife also come with its demands and responsibilities and one of them, if not top on the list, is fidelity: the resolve to preserve one’s self and body. 
In fact, the Holy books affirm this position; the Bible admonishes women to submit to their husbands and the Qur’an counsels same. Even moral and societal values, and health considerations compel it upon the woman, that she stays faithful to one man - her husband.

Women found wanting in this regard, no matter how they try to pretend, usually fall from grace to grass. Most men find it difficult to forgive such women and the consequences are sometimes grievous.

But these days, things are changing with too many unfaithful wives in marriages. Sadly, it is now almost a daily occurrence to hear chilling confessions of various shades of infidelity from and about married women. Many of these stories leave one’s mouth gaping and mind confused. 
There is the tale of a woman with five children in Ogba, Lagos, Nigeria:
One thing led to another and she had to confess that only 2 of their 5 children belong to her husband. One for the husband’s friend and two for her other secret lover. The cat was let out of the bag when her secret lover insisted on taking custody of his two children. Refusing all pleas from the woman, he went straight to her husband and divulged the sordid details. The woman is now on the streets.

A similar scenario played out in Meiran area of Alagbado in the same Lagos: 
Olusho, the leader of a white garment church, in one single blow lost his wife and two children to one of his rich patrons. His wife on being caught red handed in her web of lies and infidelity, decided park out. Rather than plead to cover her misdeed and shame, she organised a vehicle and with the support of her lover, moved out same day despite the intervention of neighbours and elders around. The married lover has rented an apartment for her since he could not take her to his house.
Yet another Lagos businessman caught his adulterous wife with the help of DNA:
Without a sense of remorse, the wife confessed that her last pregnancy was for her boss at the office and she moved out of her matrimonial home, leaving the first three children with her husband.
Sadly, a few years after, the first of the other three children was also discovered not to belong to her husband as well. The teenage boy also turned out to be the biological child of the same man, her boss.
- Hmmm...there are a lot of stupid men out there who sleep with married women for fun. So, if you erroneously get married to a lady who is over money-conscious, just know that it's only a matter of time before she becomes s*x toy to such shameless men. Sad reality

Vice President Osinbajo Received By Massive Crowd In Kano

The Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is on a visit to Kano State. See all the photos...

Saraki Says ‘Desperate Politicians’ Want To Bring Him Down

Embattled Senate President Bukola Saraki has accused those he called desperate politicians of plotting to unleash protests against him in the wake of his trial for alleged corruption by the CCT.

Saraki said that his political foes were out to turn the trial into a tool to damage his political career.

He claimed that his 'enemies' have started distributing money and other materials to faceless civil society organisations, market men and women associations and other groups with a view to instigating demonstrations in Lagos, Abuja and Ilorin against him starting from Monday.

The aim of the sponsors of the proposed protests, he said, was to pollute public opinion against him, through forceful mobilisation of anti-Saraki protesters.

Saraki is one of the 130 Nigerians mentioned in #PanamaPapers, the 11.5 million leaked financial and legal records of politicians, businessmen, celebrities, drug traffickers and others from the internal database of the Panama-based law firm and offshore-provider, Mossack Fonseca.

He is said to own four assets abroad which were held in trust for him by proxies including his wife, Toyin.

Popular Pastor, Lazarus Muoka, Battles Rich Businessman

A businessman, Mr Uba Emmanuel Abraham is entangled in a legal battle with a popular Lagos-based cleric, Pastor Lazarus Muoka of the Lord’s Chosen Church, over some properties at Jakande Estate, Lagos and Independence Layout Enugu, Enugu State.

Abraham, who accused the popular pastor of falsifying the documents of his independence Layout property at Enugu, Enugu State, in favour of his church, is also alleging threats to his life.

But Muoka, through his lawyer, Mr, Obioma Oti, said Abraham had been paid for both properties.

Abraham, who hails from Aboh Mbaise area of Imo State, said he joined Muoka’s church in 2005 on his late mother’s advice after he returned from Japan.

He said his travail began when he decided to leave Muoka’s church, and he asked Muoka’s Lords Chosen Church congregation to vacate his (Abraham’s) No. 2 Lemon Street house at Phase II, Lagos.

It was this action, according to Abraham, that Muoka allegedly connived with one Ikedi Igbokwe, whom the pastor introduced to Abraham’s family as a house boy to give his property’s documents to Muoka while he was away in Japan in 2009.

Abraham said on his return to the country he had demanded for his property’s documents from Muoka.

He further alleged that Muoka, through Oti, denied knowledge and receipt of the documents but requested for N1m to search for them. Abraham claimed he refused to give any money but headed for the court where he swore to an affidavit for the lost documents to authenticate the ownership of his property.

Abraham also claimed that Mouka falsified and registered his (Abraham’s) Independence Layout, Enugu property with the Enugu State Ministry of Lands in favour of his church after the March 2011 tsunami, thinking he (Abraham) had died in the disaster.

“But when I came back from Japan and tried to survey and register the property, the fraud was discovered. Confident that the property belongs to me and in a bid to get those behind the fraud, I fenced the property and built a bungalow on it and nobody came out to lay claims to the land,” Abraham added.

He claimed that while in Lagos, the property was pulled down by some youths allegedly sent by Muoka.

Abraham said, “I invited the police, who arrested the suspects. They confessed they were sponsored by Muoka. The matter had since been taken to court.”

He noted that he had been under threats from Muoka and his agents since 2011. “Sometimes, they would call me for negotiation and then send attackers after me. My life is in danger,” he said.

Abraham’s counsel, Mr. Benjamin Nduka, accused the Lord’s Chosen Church of trying to avoid appearing in court as neither the church nor her counsel had appeared in court for the two cases.

Nduka said since the church was duly served the court summons, he would approach the court with a motion to compel it to appear in court, the only institution with the capacity to adjudicate on such matters.

The Divisional Crime Officer at the Independent Layout Police Station Enugu, Mr. Igbochi Igbo, in a text message referred PUNCH to the DPO.

When contacted, one of Muoka’s pastors in Lagos, Francis Eze, said he did not know anything about the said property in Enugu.

Speaking for Muoka, Oti, said Abraham was paid N2m for the half plot in Jakande Estate, Lagos.

He also claimed that Abraham was paid N1.7m for the plot at Enugu eight years ago when there was no form of property development around the area.

He said, “We fenced the two pieces of land in Lagos and Enugu, but to our greatest dismay, Uba (Abraham) went and demolished the fence at the Independence Layout. We reported the matter to the police and that is why the police are looking for him.”

Oti said Abraham was trying to drag the image of the church in the mud.

He said the church never mandated Abraham to sell his landed property to them, but that Abraham disposed the land when his business in Japan crumbled.

Oti said since the matter was in court he would not like to discuss it in depth.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Judge grants Meek Mill permission to record songs while under house arrest as long as they are free

A judge has granted permission to Meek Mill to release new tracks while he's under house arrest as long as he doesn't make any money from it.
A judge had initially told Meek Mill that he couldn't record new music while under house arrest but that has been reversed in order to 'protect his brand'.

According to TMZ, as soon as he got the permission, he did a new remix of Drake's Summer Sixteen track last week...a diss track.
However, there is a caveat to the permission - he cannot make any money off these new tracks so has to drop them on free platforms like SoundCloud and YouTube.