Tuesday 22 September 2015

The Trojan Horse and the Prince Of Persia - by Femi Fani-Kayode

Another interesting piece by two-time former Nigerian minister, Femi Fani-Kayode. Read below...
''Israel will no longer exist in 25 years''- Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei , the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Prince of Persia is a spirit-being that the Holy Bible describes as a ''principality’’. He rules over the geographical space that was once known as Persia but that is now known as Iran. Judging from the words of Ayatollah Khamenei I have little doubt that he is firmly under the grip of this spirit-being.
 When he speaks, it is not him that is speaking but rather it is the Prince of Persia that is speaking through him. This contribution is about the folly of trusting such a man and the manifest danger of entering into a nuclear arms deal with him. Permit me to begin with an aside. One of the consequences of the war in Syria and Iraq is the massive inflow of refugees from the Middle East into Europe. It is sad to see millions of people fleeing their homeland and walking half way across the world to escape the savagery of war.

TThe question that arises is this: why have Saudi Arabia and the other Arab Gulf states refused to assist their Muslim and Arab brothers and take them in? Mr. Paul Joseph Watson raised some pertinent points in a contribution to Global Research. He wrote: ‘’While European countries are being lectured about their failure to take in enough refugees, Saudi Arabia – which has taken in precisely zero migrants has 100,000 air conditioned tents that can house over 3 million people sitting empty. The sprawling network of high quality tents are located in the city of Mina, spreading across a 20 square km valley, and are only used for 5 days of the year by Hajj pilgrims.

The tents could provide shelter for almost all of the 4 million Syrian refugees that have been displaced by the country’s civil war. While it refuses to take in any more refugees, Saudi Arabia has offered to build 200 mosques for the 500,000 migrants a year expected to pour into Germany. While Europe is being burdened by potentially millions of people who don’t share the same culture or religion as the host population, Gulf Arab states refuse to pull their weight, resolving only to throw money at the problem’’. Mr. Watsons’ observations are legitimate. I support the assertion that the west should take in as many Arab refugees as possible on humanitarian grounds. However there must be a moment of pause whilst we consider the following questions. Is it possible that some of those that have fled to Europe are actually ISIS members who are using this opportunity to plant themselves in the very heart of western civilization where they can wreak havoc? Is there any truth in the Russian narrative that the massive exodus of Arab refugees into Europe today is nothing short of a "Trojan horse" invasion? Again is it conceivable that the refusal of the Saudis to receive any of the refugees is borne out of the fact that the quickest way to change the racial and religious identity of Europe and to bring greater Arab and Islamic influence to bear on western culture and civilization is the mass migration of millions of Muslim refugees into Europe? This suspicion is reinforced by the fact that instead of taking in the refugees the Saudi authorities have instead offered to build 200 mosques in Germany in order to cater for the migrants that seek refuge there. Do those voices in Europe that have called for caution in receiving the refugees have a point? That remains to be seen. This brings us to the very heart of this contribution and begs for an answer to the following question. If such an influx of refugees into Europe has been triggered off by what is essentially a Middle Eastern proxy war between the U.S.A and Saudi Arabia on the one hand and Russia and Iran on the other, can one possibly imagine the sheer carnage and massive influx that a war between Iran and Israel would cause? What is happening today would be child's play when one considers that scenario. Yet those that support the Iran nuclear arms deal fail to appreciate the fact that strengthening Iran by lifting sanctions and putting hundreds of billions of dollars in the Iranian governments’ coffers takes us one step closer to such a conflict. Until Iran renounces its intention of spreading global jihad and until the clerics that rule that country stop their provocative rhetoric towards Israel there can never be peace. The only language that terror understands is an equal dose of terror. The policy of appeasement which the Iran nuclear deal represents is the worst thing that could have happened and those that have put it in place will have cause to deeply regret it. The greatest mistake that President Obama has made is to trust Iran. This is a country whose leaders have continuously referred to America as the ‘’great Satan’’ and Israel as the ‘’little Satan’’. This is a country whose Supreme Leader opens political rallies by chanting ‘’death to America’’.

This is a country whose former President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said that Israel would be ‘’wiped off the face of the earth’’. This is a country whose leaders believe in the coming of the great muslim ''Mahdi''- the so-called "Guided One" whose coming, according to shia eschatology and prophecy, "will be heralded by the raising of a black flag in Kurasan".

This is a country whose leaders fully espouse the concept of global jihad and whose constitution specifically calls for the destruction of America and Israel. By this deal President Obama has given the Iranian government immense power and a new lease of life. This is a government that is perverse in all its ways and that presides over the affairs of a vicious and unrelenting theocratic state. This is a government that is led by a handful of misguided religious fanatics whose objective is to spread radical Islam throughout the world.

This is a government that has taken away the basic freedoms of its' own people and held them in bondage for the last 36 years. This is a government that exports blood, death and terror by funding terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Mehdi Army and many others throughout the world. Given all this can anyone legitimately dispute the words of the former Foreign Minister of Israel, Mr. Avigdor Lieberman, who described the nuclear deal as ''a surrender to terror''? On his part the Defence Minister of Israel, Mr. Moshe Yaalon, said it is a deal that was built on Iran's ''lies and deceit''. He went further by describing the agreement as ''a tragedy for all who aspire for regional stability and who fear a nuclear Iran''. Not one to be left out of the fray, the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu, called the deal a "historic mistake".

Most instructive of all was the contribution of Israel's Education Minister, Mr. Naftali Bennet, who warned that: ''The history books have been re-written again today and this period will be deemed particularly grave and dangerous''. He said, ''western citizens who get up for another day at work or school are not aware of the fact that about half a trillion dollars has been transferred to the hands of a terrorist superpower, the most dangerous country in the world, who has promised the destruction of nations and peoples.

Today it may be us, tomorrow it may reach every country in the form of suitcase bombs in London or New York. Israel has done everything possible to warn of danger and in the end it will follow its own interest and will do whatever it takes to defend itself'' (See Peter Beaumonts’ article in the UK's, Guardian Newspaper, 14th July 2015).

These men have spoken nothing but the truth and the world would do well to listen. Sadly that does not appear to be happening because the American government has been sold a dummy and they have taken the full plunge.

I have always viewed Obama's policies in the Middle East and North Africa with suspicion. In my view he is the greatest friend that the radical jihadists have ever had in the White House and he has done more for their cause than any other American President.

His support for the Iran nuclear deal confirms this. Permit me to conclude this contribution with a word to Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the man who said that Israel will ''no longer exist’’ in 25 years: hell will freeze over before Israel ever goes down. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded to him in an equally eloquent manner by saying, "anyone who attacks the State of Israel will pay with his life".

A word is enough for the wise. The day that Iran attacks Israel will be the day that Iran would have signed its own death warrant. They will be crushed beyond recognition and redemption.

Mariah Carey steps out with billionaire boyfriend for their first red carpet together

Mariah Carey and James Packer on Monday night made their red carpet debut as a couple while attending the New York City premiere of The Intern. The pair posed for photos while supporting the Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro film out Friday. More photos after the cut..

Gerrarahere! As seen at Falomo, Lagos this morning...lol (photos)

A LIB reader says he spotted this on his way to work this morning..lol. I'm sure there's an explanation for this!

Uncompleted building collapses at Agungi-Lekki (photos)

An uncompleted building collapsed at Agungi-Lekki very early this morning. It is not known if there were people inside the building when it collapsed but a LIB source at the scene said they heard workers saying they left one of their colleagues in the building and haven't seen him yet. Will bring an update later. More photos after the cut...

Kylie Jenner steps out with her natural hair and no make up...and looked like an 18yr old

Finally she looks like a teenager...without all the make-up and loud hair. On Monday Kylie Jenner stepped out without make-up and none of her long hairpieces for a trip to a car dealership in Los Angeles with boyfriend Tyga. The 18-year-old looked fresh-faced and showed off her natural hair which she had in a ponytail. More photos after the cut..

Florida man arrested for ripping out his girlfriend's bowels because she called out the wrong name during sex

A Florida man is in police custody after he killed his girlfriend by disemboweling her because she called out the wrong name during sex twice, The Sun Sentinel reports.

24-year-old Fidel Lopez dialed 911 at 3:39 a.m. Sunday morning, September 20, to report that his girlfriend, Maria Nemeth, had trouble breathing. Details from the arrest report say Sunrise police found Lopez crying out for help next to the 31-year-old’s body.

He first told investigators during questioning that that he and Nemeth had participated in rough sex and that she went into the bathroom, vomited and collapsed. Upon further questioning, Lopez came clean and informed police that he turned into a "monster" when Nemeth called out her ex-husband's name during intercourse.

The details of what happened next are not for the faint of heart. According to reports:
"After he returned to the closet where Nemeth was lying unconscious, he inserted a beer bottle, a flat iron for hairstyling, and both fists inside of her. He then inserted his arm up to his elbow and ripped out part of her intestines. Next, Lopez carried her into the bathroom and splashed water on her face but Nemeth never regained consciousness. He told police he washed the blood off his hands in the bathroom sink, went to the porch to smoke a cigarette and then began to panic. After trying to clean up the apartment, he allegedly checked on Nemeth in the bathroom, saw that she wasn't breathing and dialed 911." Detectives say they found signs of foul play, along with a half empty bottle of 1800 Tequila and sliced limes in the kitchen.

The bathroom door had been ripped off its hinges, and blood and tissue were present in the bathroom, bedroom closet, and smeared on walls and doors. The apartment also had holes in the walls and a smashed sliding glass door.

According to Lopez, he left Nemeth in the closet where they were having sex and started breaking things throughout the apartment. Nemeth was pronounced dead at 4:02 a.m. on Sunday morning. Lopez was arrested at 2 p.m. that same day, charged with first-degree murder.

Sources: The Sun Sentinel

Nigerian twitter reacts to Saraki's trial

Nigerians on twitter have reacted to the trial of Senate president Bukola Saraki on his alleged false declaration of assets. Many seem to approve of the trial, say war on corruption is welcome. See their tweets after the cut...

FG exempts NNPC, PHCN, BoI, FMBN, 10 others from TSA

The Office of the Accountant-General of the Federation has exempted 13 Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) from the Treasury Single Account (TSA). In a circular released yesterday September 21st, the accountant general said they were exempted because they are entities classified as profit oriented government businesses, pay dividends to the Federal Government.

The exempted MDAs are the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Power Holding Company of Nigeria, Bank of Industry (BoI), Nigeria Railway Corporation, Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, Bank of Agriculture, Niger Delta Power Holding Company/National Integrated Power Project, National Communication Satellite Limited, Galaxy Backbone Limited, Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited, Urban Development Bank, Nigerian Export-Import Bank NEXIM) and Transcorp Hilton Hotel.

A circular entitled, “Approval to Exempt Some MDAs In line With the e-Collection Mop-Up Exercise,” from the AGF’s office to The Director, Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Banking and Payments System Department, referenced FD/LP2015/C/ADC/20/1/ /DF dated September 14, 2015 and signed by M. K, Dikwa, for the AGF, Federal Ministry of Finance, Funds Department, Abuja, reads in part: “Approval is hereby granted to your bank to exempt the accounts of thirteen (13) MDAs (Category 6) as listed below the mop-up in line with the e-Collection Circular No. HCFSF/428/S.1/120 dated 7th August 2015 as these are Profit-Oriented Government Business entities that are to pay their dividends into the Treasury Single Accounts whenever they are declared.

Please note that in line with the Presidential approval, the following as it relates to Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation NNPC as listed above (S/No.9) under Category 4 should also apply: That NAPIMS remains classified as an MDA that is funded from the Federation Account under Category 4 of the Circular, being the NNPC Business Unit responsible for the management of the Federation’s investment in the upstream activities and funded from direct proceeds of oil and gas revenue.

That NNPC will continue to preserve the status with respect to NAPIMS Operations Account as well as Escrow Account for Third Party Financing in view of the Joint Venture (JV) Cash funding currently being experienced. That all other NNPC’s commercial/Business Entities as re-classified as ‘Profit-Oriented Public Corporations /Business Enterprises’ under Category 6 of the Circular which requires that only dividends from these entities be paid into the TSA.”.

Saraki's trial adjourned to Oct 21, released on bail on self recognition

The trial of Bukola Saraki has been adjourned to October 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Saraki pleaded not guilty to all the 13 count charges read to him at the Tribunal. The tribunal granted him bail on self recognition.

Parents donate organs of their 8yr old daughter who was killed by a drunk driver to 3 children

John and Adrie, parents of a little girl who died on Saturday, September 19, after being knocked over by a drunk driver, has donated her organs to three children.

Nadia Bond, 8, from Kraaifontein, Cape Town was walking to a house nearby to visit a friend when she was hit by a car on Friday, September 18. She died the next day in hospital. Her heartbroken father John Bond said she suffered internal bleeding, a broken neck and extensive brain damage.

Bond said the driver transported his daughter to the Kraaifontein Day Hospital without calling an ambulance. He said the family only heard she had been injured when they got a call to say their daughter was at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital.

John wrote on social media:
"Nothing stops it from being real now, no more hope, you’re gone but I still hear you calling. And I don’t know where to look, baby, I can’t find you…"
Nadia’s mother Adrie said her family received a call from staff at the Red Cross informing them that Nadia’s liver and kidneys were a successful match for three other children. "She is a real angel,” Adrie said.

The family decided to donate Nadia’s organs because they felt that saving other children’s lives was what she would have wanted. Police spokesperson Noloyiso Rwexana said a case of culpable homicide was being investigated. Bradley Gysman, 22, appeared in the Kuils River Magistrate’s Court on Monday in connection with Nadia’s death. Gysman was granted bail of R2000.

Source: IOL News