Thursday 27 August 2015

Family of American teenager murdered in Somalia seek answers

Ammar Abdirahman’s mother said she sent him from Minnesota to a Somali boarding school to protect him. The teen never returned home. Sent to Africa to be safe from gangs in Minnesota, Ammar was instead beaten and killed by locals in Somalia in May. His mother said the teen may have been targeted because he was American.
No formal homicide investigation has been launched and his family is still trying to obtain his remains.
“He was smart, he was inquisitive, he was asking questions,” said Omar Jamal, a community leader in Minnesota. “And for that, they tortured and killed him.”
Ammar was born in Minnesota, the son of Somali immigrants. But his parents sent the 17-year-old to Puntland, a city far north of the infamously volatile Mogadishu, so he could learn about his culture and not get caught up with the wrong crowd in Minneapolis.

Federal authorities have charged at least six Minnesota men with trying to support the terrorist group ISIS this year.

But five people attacked Ammar, who died from the beating, according to family members who spoke to FOX9.

In graphic pictures of a man identified as Ammar, deep, dark scars are easily visible and multiple whip-like abrasions crisscross his torso.

Source: FNC 

Woman gets married and gives birth on same day (photos)

A mum-to-be planning her wedding and for the arrival of her baby never expected the two events to happen on the same day. Stephanie Tallent moved her nuptials to a hospital ward after her baby daughter arrived three weeks early.

The 41-year-old attended a routine ultrasound appointment with partner Jason Nece on Friday last week when a nurse found the expectant mum was in active labour.

Stephanie had been due to have a caesarean in September because the baby was breech, so medics were forced to act fast.
But the Texas couple told doctors there was one thing they had to do before the baby arrived.
"It was really important to us that we were married when our baby was born," Stephanie told the magazine.
Staff at the Texas Children's Pavillion for Women in Houston sprang into action to make the couple's dream come true.
Dr Karla Wagner told PEOPLE: "All of a sudden, we had a wedding."
The hospital chaplain was drafted in to perform the ceremony while Jason retrieved the marriage licence the couple had obtained a day earlier along with a white maternity sundress.

Stephanie was even provided with a bouquet, 'something borrowed' in the shape of a pearl necklace from a nurse and a ribbon as her 'something blue'.
A nurse played Mendelssohn's Wedding March on her mobile phone before the couple exchanged vows in front of around 25 people.

Newlywed Stephanie was then whisked away in a wheelchair with a 'Just Married' sign on the back to have her baby.
Less than two hours later, baby Sophia was born weighing 6lbs 3oz.
Stephanie told PEOPLE: "I didn't think I'd be married and having a baby at the same time. This was the happiest day of our lives." 

Kim K and her baby bump hit the beach in sexy bikini (photos)

More photos from her recent holiday with her family in St Barts...

Photo credit: Us Weekly 

Graphic pics from the horrific accident on Lagos-Ibadan expressway

Road accidents are becoming too much. This horrific accident happened on Ibadan Lagos expressway this morning. The driver was said to be over-speeding and collided with an oncoming truck. It is horrific. A LIB reader on the scene sent in the photos...please be warned - it's very graphic...

Its 500 days since the Chibok girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram

Today marks 500 days since Chibok girls were kidnapped from their school in Borno state by Boko Haram members. 500 days away from their family and friends. So sad.

Tinubu Opens Up Over Probes and Attacks On Fashola

1. The past elections were an epic confrontation between two opposing political camps. Those who believed in the progressive governance of the people gathered under the banner of the APC. Those who harkened to the conservative elitism that had cast this nation downward for so many years held to the PDP.

2. The elections clearly showed the preference of the average Nigerian. They chose the APC and rejected the PDP nationally and in Lagos state. Since the commanding victory of the APC in Lagos and all over Nigeria, the enemies of progressive governance have cleverly been at work, trying to regain through intrigue and subterfuge what they so openly and fairly lost in the elections.

3. Our political opponents now try to steal victory when their only entitlement is resounding defeat.
Having fared woefully with the electorate, their game plan is to sow discord within the ranks of the party people had chosen to lead them. The PDP hopes to strike division in the APC, in that way weakening us and our ability to govern.

4. Apprised of their wiles, we in the progressive camp must be wiser still. We must not allow ourselves to be pawns in this cynical strategy. We cannot fall into their obvious snares for that would be embracing defeat when victory has already been won. It is our responsibility to govern as the people want. It would be to our detriment to fall victim to our opponent’s sly instigations by allowing ourselves to be utensils picking each other apart.

5. This brings me to recent developments in the Lagos political scene. Born of this motley stew is the recent gossip mongering that I have willfully instigated false and negative reports against former Governor Fashola to thwart him from being appointed to a major post in the Buhari administration. I want to declare clearly and categorically that these rancid attacks do not come from me nor do I endorse them. Neither my hand nor my heart are in these mean submissions. I deplore them. An attack against the performance of Governor Fashola is indirectly an attack against me and the edifice of achievement we have constructed in leading Lagos state out of a protracted time of stagnation and into an era of sustained progress and development.

6. Lagos is a much better place than when we came into governance in 1999. Each year, it has gotten better. With the APC at the helm, each subsequent year will be better yet. Babatunde Fashola has been an integral part of this improvement. He does not deserve the pillory. His record has been applauded and will continue to be when all this rumor mongering has died its natural and quick death.

7. I am proud to say that I played an instrumental role in bringing Governor Fashola into politics in the first instance. He served as my trusted chief of staff, performing excellently in that role. Due to his leadership qualities and diligent work ethic, I endorsed him for governor notwithstanding the stiff and vocal opposition of many. I am not ashamed of backing him. I believe the progress the state made under his administration has more than vindicated my endorsement.
8.Fashola, the present Governor Akin Ambode including myself are the products of a progressive political institution and its programmatic expressions. I laid the governance foundation and started the first lap, running as well as I could. I handed the baton to Fashola, knowing he would do the same. He did; he ran as well as he could. Now, he has handed to Ambode who is off and running as well as he can. We have achieved much in Lagos; but, we recognize as much as anyone that we have much more to do.
We also know that progress is fragile and easily undone while destruction is easily transacted but hard to undo. I for one am not the type to tear down my own house or to bring my enemy’s rubbish into it.
9.We must remember something. We have always governed Lagos state as an open forum where democracy and free expression were respected. Those who are against us were never placed in fear of the heavy hand of government descending on them even as they played funny tricks. We also must remember than in any democracy, a number of people will always oppose you no matter the quality of your performance. If an office holder has an approval rating of 70 percent, this means, in Lagos, roughly five million people dislike the person. Also remember the PDP is just recently out of office at the federal level and that it built a vast, unprecedented financial war chest to contest the elections. The residual of that war chest is still at work, buying media space to plant rumors in hopes of spreading discord through the APC. Thus, the enemy camp may be a minority but it is a large and well-funded one that knows its only chance lies in us attacking ourselves.

10. I for one will not bend to the artificial provocation of those seeking to tear at what we have painstakingly built over the years. In my mind, Governor Fashola and I are and shall always be political allies and fellow travelers on a vital journey; that alliance is unshakeable and our journey must not be interrupted. I would no more attack his character or his administration than I would attack myself.
11. I see this present moment as crucial to Nigeria’s future. The nation faces acute challenges of security, corruption and economic development. Our task is to create policies that bring prosperity, dignity and hope to all. Great change is in reach because we have progressive governments at the federal and state levels for the first time. With great change at hand, it would be a terrible abdication of our duty to allow agents provocateur to prompt us to suspect and toss dirt at each other at a time when we should be focused on building a better, more equitable nation and society.

11. I for one shall never allow myself to be a tool of a political enemy that has nothing good in mind for Nigeria. I for one will never engage in the intramural character attacks of which I am being accused. I stand for the unity of the APC and for the progressive purpose we serve. I will not be guilty of tearing down our progressive house, not a brick of it. That I vow to all.

Photo: Winnie and Mandela's grandson accused of rape granted bail

The 24-year-old grandson of the late former president was on Tuesday 25 August granted bail of R7000 by a Magistrates court in Johannesburg where he is facing a charge of rape and sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl at a restaurant in Greenside, Johannesburg, which occurred on August 7.

According to a news24, the statement by a key witness Goola Singh, a chef at the restaurant where the alleged rape took place who claimed to have seen the grandson of Nelson Mandela and his teenage rape accuser kissing passionately was instrumental to his release on bail. The young man asked the court to set bail between R5 and R10000 because he was unemployed, had two children and is expecting a third one. 
     “He does not want to be tried as a Mandela but he wants to be tried as a normal person” his lawyer, Marinda Velsman, told the court.
Last week, he admitted in court that he had had sex with the girl but the sex was consensual and he believed she was older than 16. He claimed he sat on a chair while the girl "straddled him during sex". 

Marinda Veldsman handed in an affidavit by Goola Singh, employed as a chef at the restaurant where the alleged rape took place. Singh said he saw the accused and the girl kissing passionately in a passage.

     “They seemed very comfortable with each other. I noticed nothing untoward between the man and the woman outside my window. If there had been noises of a struggle I would have heard,” his affidavit reads.
However according to the complainant, the accused allegedly forcefully kissed her, put his hands in her pants, threw her on the floor and raped her. She said she was screaming at the time.
The defense disputed the girl's age and claimed a birth certificate handed in to the court was not hers. Veldsman referred to accounts on social media sites Facebook and Twitter, said to be maintained by the complainant, that appeared to show her to be older than 16.

The suspect’s lawyer argued that his client had no way of knowing the girl was underage as the restaurant had a policy barring anyone younger than 21. He claimed the complainant was drinking alcohol and smoking with her friends. Therefore, these were some reasons he believed her to be of the age of consent.
Source: news24
Photo of two of his relatives, Makaziwe and Ndaba Mandela outside the court.
Photo Credit: Alon Skuy 

NDLEA Takes Over Arik Air Bad Boy's House In Lagos

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency has stormed and occupied the Lagos home of Chika Egwu Udensi, a crew member of the Arik Air flight W3101, who was arrested with 20 kilogrammes of cocaine at the London Heathrow Airport.

The NDLEA moved to the house after they had interrogated pilots and flight attendants of the flight that left the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos for London on Monday night. The interrogation lasted for several hours at the NDLEA head office in Lagos.

The guy is just a flight attendant. Some folks love fraud. Good thing is the end of fraud is always bad.

The NDLEA has taken over his house in the Ejigbo area of Lagos State. A source told Punch that the men were “occupying the house, and we will not leave here until we get all the evidence that we want.”

It was gathered that although the operatives had seized the suspect’s Range Rover, the NDLEA was still of the opinion that Udensi had other property.

The source said, "We are investigating if he has other property in Lagos or elsewhere. Some of them live simple lives, but have other valuables stashed everywhere. We are searching for incriminating documents."

Saraki's Senate Presidency: The Crown & The Price

Every action has its reaction, Nigeria is adjudged to be the country going through the toughest permutations in sub Sahara Africa and going by this, we can say that Nigeria houses the toughest sets of people and a pointer to this fact is the issue of our bond regardless of what we go through day in day out, we still find a means to remain as one.

It is seriously intriguing and mind bulging to analyse the series of events that has been happening post election which seem to have different dimensions and seems unending like a season film,
the most prominent of all seems to be the national assembly crisis which has been on the top chat like a hot song from the Mavins. I remembered a Yoruba saying which says ‘if you hear them carrying it, help them carry it so that they won’t abandon it at your backyard’ the national assembly issues really must give all Nigerians some sense of deep thought on what the future of Nigeria looks like, this certainly is a road map for what Nigeria will become in the nearest future. Many references shall be made out of all these present happenings and history will never forget many players.

Time is ticking and Nigeria is begging for fixing and the politics is thickening and we have the masses at the center of it all.

The national assembly which has Senator Bukola Saraki sitting has the chairman playing the role of a servant leader who has been able to carry on with all knives, bombs and all sort of dangers carefully coded and directed at him with a simple but strong defensive antics .

Many will say that Senator Bukola Saraki his getting what he deserves but we might want to analyse the issue of the national assembly in 3 dimensions.

With all consciousness and sincerity, we all need to x-ray what really went down prior to the elections in the chambers without bias not prejudice. Politics is not for the wimp minded nor the weaklings, a good politician is driven by ideas but most importantly his passion for his ambition.

We see long days at the tribunals with resources flying right left and center, our president, Mohammed Buhari was a regular man at the tribunals before God eventually answered is prayers. These are examples of events driven by passion for ambition.

Before the election of the national assembly, the leadership of the APC tried playing a fatherly role by trying to field a single candidate for the position of senate president but it was a bad father role by its assumed preference for a particular candidate in person of Senator Ahmmed Lawan, as a progressive we all should condemn any group who won’t help us reach our full potentials. We saw a lot of people decamping to APC just because they won’t be allowed to reach their full potentials in their party, Vice president Atiku was said to have left PDP prior to 2007 elections because his potentials were being undermined by the PDP. Many people speculate that many big wigs would desert the APC before the 2015 election and we can recollect the shabby exit of Chief Tom Ikimi due to his allegations that the leadership position of the APC wasn’t open to all through a free and fair elections rather through a shady consensus.

It is absolutely and morally right to say that any association a man belongs to where his potentials are being undermined is an unjust association. The senate is a composition of men who are elder statesmen from their individual communities saddled with responsibilities to take care of this country after being voted for by their constituents, these men should at least be able to make sensible decision within themselves without interference from any quarters (Presidency or Party). If APC wishes to be a good father, it should have allowed the interested candidates’ slug it out through the right channel just as President Buhari advised.

This second dimension x-rays the gains and troubles that came with the position of Senate president given the circumstances that made it possible for Senator Bukola Saraki to attain the position. Some had classified and labelled Saraki as over ambitions, greedy and a betrayal but if we once again check the fact available critically, we would see a selfless man whose selfless acts is almost a replica of the prophets’. No blasphemy intended but what we see in the actions of Prophet Noha who went through the troubles of building the ark and calling all species of different gender on board is nothing short of a selfless act that the senate president exhibits.

It would have been a crime for a man like Senator Bukola Saraki to allow a seemingly incompetence mare the progress of APC after-all Saraki was among the giants who fought through the thick of the last administration’s tide, also gave promises of glad tidings and a total change towards the business of government on campaign grounds. Saraki’s victory is not for him but for the masses, our headache should not be what goes on at the national headquarters of the APC but what the NASS is taking care of.

To wear the crown you must carry the cross, if the masses are indeed to be considered, the leadership of the APC should allow the NASS perform to her full capacity, deed had been done as we all know it and what amazes me so far is the responsible leadership the Senate has been able to deliver amidst the blackmails, police cases, distractions et all that Saraki has been going through since he assumed office and I can’t but wonder how effective he will be if he was allowed to focus on the Nigeria fixing project but one will expect that the masses who stands to be the victim in this whole NASS crisis help Saraki reduce the burden of the cross by being objective and ask where the primary interest of the national leadership of the APC lies, destroying Saraki or elevating the lives of the masses?

Senator Bukola Saraki so far has been pro-masses going by his visit to the IDP, the NERC bulk bill reduction, rice waiver, PDP unanimous support for president Buhari amongst other and these are enough reasons for the leaders of APC to adopt and move along with him if indeed the betterment of the masses is the priority here.

Furthermore, I do have the conviction that the initially proposed candidate by the APC for the SP position would have made a worst Senate President and reason is that he has not been productive to a single degree and still feel battered grossly undermining the general welfare of the Nigeria masses going by his rejection to be a member of a committee set up by the senate president to visit the IDPs, a true leader considers the masses first before his personal self.

The argument in the APC about the NASS seems to be proving that the leaders of APC are suffering from power syndrome with the way the issue is being handled.

One should ask why APC leadership seem to forget that Senator Bukola Saraki worked tirelessly for the success of the party pre election.

One also should ask why APC seem to forget that any senator duly elected is worthy of being a principal officer at the NASS.

We should also ask what could have been done better than how Saraki has been handling matters at the national assembly?

One other question pertinent is the usefulness of the senate in regards to the yearnings and cries of the common man on the street. The directive to review NERC Bulk billing by the senate is indeed pro masses after-all, a larger percentage of the masses are the main victims directly concerned on the subject matter.

Did we not all call for an independent NASS?
Did we not all worked tirelessly to abolish a controlled and rubber stamp NASS?
Did we not call for #OpenNass?

Why then do we want to throw our answered prayers away through blind bitterness instead of looking inward and stop fighting a war we know nothing about neither concerning us?

We all at this junction need to send out a message to all as concerned that the bigger picture of fixing this nation should be on everyone’s page.

The common Nigerian must ask why 81 senators representing almost 80% of Nigeria went ahead in endorsing the leadership of the National Assembly, we also must ask what the leadership of the NASS has done accredit-able as anti masses.

It’s time to play our part by providing the most constructive criticism and voicing out our problems just like the NERC bulk billing and forget about the politics at least till the leadership of the NASS under Senator Bukola Saraki falls short of a responsible representation.

God bless.
By Lawal Sharafadeen

Tinubu Opens Up Over Probes and Attacks On Fashola

1. The past elections were an epic confrontation between two opposing political camps. Those who believed in the progressive governance of the people gathered under the banner of the APC. Those who harkened to the conservative elitism that had cast this nation downward for so many years held to the PDP.

2. The elections clearly showed the preference of the average Nigerian. They chose the APC and rejected the PDP nationally and in Lagos state. Since the commanding victory of the APC in Lagos and all over Nigeria, the enemies of progressive governance have cleverly been at work, trying to regain through intrigue and subterfuge what they so openly and fairly lost in the elections.

3. Our political opponents now try to steal victory when their only entitlement is resounding defeat.
Having fared woefully with the electorate, their game plan is to sow discord within the ranks of the party people had chosen to lead them. The PDP hopes to strike division in the APC, in that way weakening us and our ability to govern.

4. Apprised of their wiles, we in the progressive camp must be wiser still. We must not allow ourselves to be pawns in this cynical strategy. We cannot fall into their obvious snares for that would be embracing defeat when victory has already been won. It is our responsibility to govern as the people want. It would be to our detriment to fall victim to our opponent’s sly instigations by allowing ourselves to be utensils picking each other apart.

5. This brings me to recent developments in the Lagos political scene. Born of this motley stew is the recent gossip mongering that I have willfully instigated false and negative reports against former Governor Fashola to thwart him from being appointed to a major post in the Buhari administration. I want to declare clearly and categorically that these rancid attacks do not come from me nor do I endorse them. Neither my hand nor my heart are in these mean submissions. I deplore them. An attack against the performance of Governor Fashola is indirectly an attack against me and the edifice of achievement we have constructed in leading Lagos state out of a protracted time of stagnation and into an era of sustained progress and development.

6. Lagos is a much better place than when we came into governance in 1999. Each year, it has gotten better. With the APC at the helm, each subsequent year will be better yet. Babatunde Fashola has been an integral part of this improvement. He does not deserve the pillory. His record has been applauded and will continue to be when all this rumor mongering has died its natural and quick death.

7. I am proud to say that I played an instrumental role in bringing Governor Fashola into politics in the first instance. He served as my trusted chief of staff, performing excellently in that role. Due to his leadership qualities and diligent work ethic, I endorsed him for governor notwithstanding the stiff and vocal opposition of many. I am not ashamed of backing him. I believe the progress the state made under his administration has more than vindicated my endorsement.
8.Fashola, the present Governor Akin Ambode including myself are the products of a progressive political institution and its programmatic expressions. I laid the governance foundation and started the first lap, running as well as I could. I handed the baton to Fashola, knowing he would do the same. He did; he ran as well as he could. Now, he has handed to Ambode who is off and running as well as he can. We have achieved much in Lagos; but, we recognize as much as anyone that we have much more to do.
We also know that progress is fragile and easily undone while destruction is easily transacted but hard to undo. I for one am not the type to tear down my own house or to bring my enemy’s rubbish into it.
9.We must remember something. We have always governed Lagos state as an open forum where democracy and free expression were respected. Those who are against us were never placed in fear of the heavy hand of government descending on them even as they played funny tricks. We also must remember than in any democracy, a number of people will always oppose you no matter the quality of your performance. If an office holder has an approval rating of 70 percent, this means, in Lagos, roughly five million people dislike the person. Also remember the PDP is just recently out of office at the federal level and that it built a vast, unprecedented financial war chest to contest the elections. The residual of that war chest is still at work, buying media space to plant rumors in hopes of spreading discord through the APC. Thus, the enemy camp may be a minority but it is a large and well-funded one that knows its only chance lies in us attacking ourselves.

10. I for one will not bend to the artificial provocation of those seeking to tear at what we have painstakingly built over the years. In my mind, Governor Fashola and I are and shall always be political allies and fellow travelers on a vital journey; that alliance is unshakeable and our journey must not be interrupted. I would no more attack his character or his administration than I would attack myself.
11. I see this present moment as crucial to Nigeria’s future. The nation faces acute challenges of security, corruption and economic development. Our task is to create policies that bring prosperity, dignity and hope to all. Great change is in reach because we have progressive governments at the federal and state levels for the first time. With great change at hand, it would be a terrible abdication of our duty to allow agents provocateur to prompt us to suspect and toss dirt at each other at a time when we should be focused on building a better, more equitable nation and society.

11. I for one shall never allow myself to be a tool of a political enemy that has nothing good in mind for Nigeria. I for one will never engage in the intramural character attacks of which I am being accused. I stand for the unity of the APC and for the progressive purpose we serve. I will not be guilty of tearing down our progressive house, not a brick of it. That I vow to all.