Thursday 20 August 2015

Atiku and El-Rufai Fight over Controversial Pentascope Deal

Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar and erstwhile minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Nasir El-Rufai, have resurrected the ghost of the controversial Pentascope deal through which the federal government tried to privatize Nigeria’s telecoms carrier, the Nigerian Telecommunications Limited, NITEL.

The two politicians have been throwing verbal missiles at each while also accusing each other of corruption in a deal many believed was fraught with corruption.

Mr. El-Rufai fired the first salvo through his book “The Accidental Public Servant”, when he suggested that Atiku, as chairman of the National Council on Privatization, NCP, meddled in the privatisation of NITEL which ultimately truncated the process.

Atiku, in his capacity as the Vice President of the Federal Republic, was chairman of the NCP, the government committee entrusted with the responsibilty of managing the privatization programme initiated by the Olusegun Obasanjo adminstration to handle the disposal of public enterprises to interested Nigerians and other categories of investors.

El-Rufai alleged that Atiku’s meddlesomeness suggested he had pecuniary interest in some of the deals.

But Atiku fired back saying the former minister was bitter because a particular bidder, Motorola, lost out in one of the transactions.

“The fact of the contract are like this: Obasanjo agreed with the NCP that the former BPE DG was wrong not to have disclosed his interest and that he had failed the test of transparency by not disclosing that his brother was on the board of Motorola,” Atiku told Punch.

“You know, for instance, that it is a very serious offence to fail, refuse or neglect to disclose your interest whether directly or through someone else, in dealing with such an important transaction. But, the President in his wisdom decided that the contract be split into three, with each of the contenders, Motorola, Ericsson and the Chinese company – I think Huawei – taking a portion. As if to vindicate the NCP, by 2007 when we left office, the two others apart from Motorola had completed their own contracts. You can go and find out if they (Motorola) have finished.

He continued, “I would like Nigerians to be smart enough to read between the lines. Why does the former FCT minister treat the Motorola issue with such persistent personal bitterness? Why is he making it a heavy matter? Anybody can play to the gallery and deceive the people. Transparency is a key issue of conducting any business, including privatisation. Conflict of interest is inconsistent with transparency.

“If you are a privatisation head and you have a relationship with a particular person connected with one of the companies making bids, it is a moral and legal duty to disclose that relationship or interest. Pretending that you have no relationship with the person who is rooting for a particular bidder is not altogether tidy and transparent. If he had no interest in a particular company for sentimental reasons, why is he making too much fuss about Motorola losing the bid?”

However, Atiku’s comment has sparked Mr. El-Rufai’s fury. On Monday, Mr. El-Rufai came out firing on all cylinders, pointedly accusing the former vice president of manipulating the deal.

“It is understandable that Alhaji Atiku Abubakar would be enduring some unease at the disclosures made in “The Accidental Public Servant”, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai’s recent book”, Muyiwa Adekeye, Media Advisor to Mr. El-Rufai said in a statement on Monday.

According to Mr.Adekeye, Atiku’s media team had made a vain effort to confuse Nigerians about his “serial interference with contract award processes” detailed in El-Rufai’s book, claiming in series of rebuttals that Atiku did not meddle in the privatisation processes.

To Adekeye, such claims are at variance with the substance of established facts that the former Vice President used his position to “seek contracts for friends.”

“Now that Atiku himself has spoken on the controversial NITEL GSM contract involving Ericsson and Motorola, it is obvious that the attempt at confusing issues persists,” the statement said.

“It is untrue that the NITEL GSM contract in question was split. Rather it was awarded to Ericsson, but at the lower price submitted by Motorola, because of Atiku’s intense lobby and smears deployed to advance Ericsson’s bid.

“Atiku and Abdullahi Yari, his then ADC, at different times spoke to El-Rufai to favour Ericsson.”

Mr Adekeye challenged Atiku to take up the “responsibility to explain why he became an Ericsson salesman, although the investigations conducted by Motorola after the debacle makes clear he was not engaged in an altruistic mission.”

“This incident,” according to Mr. Adekeye, “had diplomatic repercussions, as the American government wrote to protest this loss by an American company that had submitted the cheaper bid.”

On Atiku’s insistence that Mr. El-Rufai’s brother was a shareholder and member of Motorola’s board, Mr. Adekeye denied that it was true.

On Pentascope, Mr. El-Rufai’s spokesman said: “We see the same pattern of muddying the waters with falsehood,” pointing out that as chairman of the NCP, “Atiku gave his approval in writing on 21 February 2003 for the management contract with Pentascope to be signed.”

“The memo on which Atiku minuted his approval, BPE/I&N/NT/MC/DG/280, is dated 20th February 2003, and was initiated by the director of BPE that was covering the DG’s duties at the time.

“By virtue of the high office he then held, Atiku knows that Pentascope was not foisted on NITEL, but emerged from a properly advertised and competitive selection process.

“After the failure of the first attempt to sell NITEL, it had been decided that there was need for a management contractor to keep the momentum of preparing the company to operate like a private entity and to preserve its assets.

“Pentascope resumed in NITEL on 28 April 2003, shortly before El-Rufai left the BPE to become a minister. The Pentascope contract terms included obligations by the BPE to monitor the contract, and for the NITEL Board to set up an Executive Committee to supervise day to day operations in NITEL.

“Between the new BPE leadership that neglected its responsibilities, the NCP which Atiku chaired and which failed to supervise the BPE and the bureaucrats and politicians around the Ministry of Communications, the management contract was frustrated and terminated in 2005.

“When a former vice-president asserts that NITEL was making N100billion in profit annually, the mind must boggle that someone so unconstrained by fidelity to facts had once been saddled with significant responsibilities.”

Mr Adekeye insisted NITEL never made such huge profits as claimed by the Atiku camp, as it had never paid a single dividend to the Federal Government until the BPE compelled it to pay N3b in 2001.

Woman alleges that her househelp robbed her and absconded

A woman said her newly employed house-help robbed her while she was away from home and absconded. Read her story below...
"I hired a maid, Janet Dina, that's if its her real name through an agent. This girl has worked for me for just a month now. Yesterday, I was supposed to go out with her but she begged me to let her go make her hair. I allowed her and even gave her N2k to use for her hair. I went out and left her at home. When I got back home in the evening with my sister, I realized the door was open. I went to my room and noticed my laptop was missing so was my sisters. Some clothes and bags were also missing.
On realizing I had been robbed, I check in her wardrobe and her clothed and box were missing, so I went to ask my security if they had seen her, they said they saw her leaving with her box and two handbags and when they asked her where she was going she said she was coming to meet me where I was. I usually leave her with my year old son but as God will have it yesterday, I took him out with me. Please if you have any relevant info on this individual you can reach us on this no 08028938448. Thanks.

Photo: Peter Okoye Poses With His Beautiful Kids

PSquare's Peter Okoye is a show man and he still find a way to be with his kids in their play time and all. #Family

Many Businesses Owned by Politicians Done with Dirty Money

The first chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Nuhu Ribadu, has alleged that a lot of investments being done in the country were from funds earned through illegal activities.

He also identified illicit financial activities such as terrorism financing and money laundering as some of the major challenge affecting the country’s quest for development.
Ribadu said, “Everything that is wrong about Nigeria has to do with dirty money. If you can follow it, get it back and punish these people, then you have cured the problem of Nigeria. When I look around, I see a lot of investments done with dirty money."

Ribadu spoke at the 2nd Anti-money laundering/combating financial terrorism stakeholders’ consultative workshop organised by Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist in Abuja.

He said, Government needs help in identifying and arresting these people. Though it may seem like a daunting task, with professionals like ACAMS, Nigeria is poised to achieve this.”

Ribadu said there was a need for collaboration between relevant stakeholders to fight money laundering and curb terrorism financing.

He recalled that "In 2003, Nigeria was on the blacklist of most developed countries especially the US for money laundering."

BUHARI: Nigerians Now Have Our Own Rawlings Revolution?

For decades Nigeria has been begging for a Rawlings-type revolution. At last with the swearing in of the Buhari-Osinbajo government on May 29th this year, Nigeria is abuzz, in fervor as the government postures itself in the eagerly and desperately craved-for Rawlings anti-corruption pose.

The 31st December 1981 Rawlings Revolution
Ghana, like Nigeria was decaying in the annals of corruption as a failed post colonial state. Western multiparty democracy had not helped the rotting nation and it desperately begged for change. Consequent to the the colonial occupation of Africa, the slave trade and a deliberate divide and conquer corrupting colonial technique, corrupted generations prevailed.

As military or democratic leaders, the challenged and already compromised actors the western colonialists handed power to, could not lead the failing states. The African states were set to fail having been created by sudden and immediately pre-liberation, irrational rearrangements of territories (usually of ethnic groups not yet naturally ready to coexist). These rearrangements, combined with unfair power and resource sharing formulas developed by the colonialists before granting independence was a recipe for failure. Ghana was one such state.

It is generally agreed that Jerry Rawlings’ military take over and his ruthless reform revolution rescued Ghana from this abyss. The revolution, characterized by the unsympathetic prosecution of all Ghanaians who could not account for their source of wealth, drastically turned around the fortunes of Ghana. Rawlings' corruption revolution was so ruthless that piles of money were seen around Ghana, as people dumped their stashes in fear of being prosecuted if unable to account for their monetary possessions. Even market women were seen dumping cash. You knew that once you hesitated explaining where you got your money from, you might soon be looking into the barrel of a gun.

The effect of the Rawlings' purification process is finally fading over three decades. A death of an elected president and the assumption of power by his vice, not particularly the choice of Ghana has been the final straw which seems to have reversed the gains of the revolution and is destroying the success of Ghana. The governor's brother, widely accused of corruption is routinely seen holding traffic as he drives down the streets of Ghana with an array of exotic cars.

Nigeria's History Of Corruption And New Found Change
For the most of thirty years, Nigeria has been bogged down in unquantifiable and unsurpassed corruption. Over $500 billion dollars has been looted over this period. Billions have been carted out of the nation and lost for ever and more billions have been systematically transferred to Nigeria's Forbes listed super-rich cabal. These internally kept looted billions have been invested in industry, yielding dividend for the cabal and former leaders. Other billions have been used to buy up all available prime land and build property, leading to an increasingly deadly competition for dwindling land and resource.

In the middle of this hopelessness, Nigeria's Sankara, Rawlings, Nkrumah; a man called Muhammadu Buhari who ruled Nigeria from 1983-1985 as one of a few regimes known for integrity, returned to power in a rare and rather miraculous triumph of democracy.

The Buhari-Osinbajo government hit the ground running, almost fanatical to deal a deadly blow to the corruption monster. Nigeria that had never had more than a combined total of five years of responsible leadership (brief, truncated tenures of Murtala, Buhari [first episode] and Yar'Adua), now like Ghana, had been an unfortunate victim of a lucky vice president who became president due to death of the premier. Like Ghana, the vice who became president was not the choice of the people and not necessarily skilled for the job. His almost six-year reign brought an already horrible and intractable corruption crisis to its lowest. It was at this low point that Buhari/Osinbajo brought hope and promised a radical war against corruption.

The corruption had been so bad, almost no official in previous administrations can claim they were not involved. A fundamental problem the Buhari-Osinbajo government has identified and delayed appointments to first address is that former officials did not even know what corruption was. Administrators embezzled, inflated contracts, cut up stupendous wages, regularly utilizing their family members to help covet; overpaid their selected over plentiful staff, laundered and indulged in all other forms of mismanagement including being directly involved in bunkering oil, with these habits considered lawful and protected by the state security services. Investigations and indictments never merited retribution with indicted officials today still occupying positions as governors and from the top to the bottom of the national assembly.

Today Nigeria is on its toes, the Rawlings revolution is here at last! Buhari is dealing decisively, promising to fight the entrenched corruption to its death at last and a victory for Nigeria. He has promised not to be distracted by the deadly, ruthless agents of corruption fighting back. The word in town is "probe." Corruption is now an offense once again. Slogans like "No Probe No Hope" and "Kill corruption before it kills us" are commonplace. Old regime officials are trembling, recent reports have it that as the ICPC corruption agency pursues government officials who coveted government properties, the officials are returning some and hastily listing others on the market. Money is being thrown out, buried, kept in tanks and farms and all sorts of other queer places.

As Nigerians hold tight to prayers for God to protect their new leaders and give them victory in their war, they are also showing their solidarity with protests, marching against corruption.

After hardship comes ease the Good books say; every murderous tyranny finally falls, Gandhi says; Rawlings' revolution is here at last, there is no going back.

Dr. Peregrino Brimah [Every Nigerian Do Something] 
Email: Twitter: @EveryNigerian

Don Jazzy Confirms He Is Getting Married To His Girlfriend

Marriage is a beautiful experience if you get it right by marrying a lady who understands the essence of life and true life, not just after your money. According to Don Jazzy, he has found the right lady he would love to spend the rest of his life with, hence he therefore want other babes to back off. Lol!

Saraki, Fashola, Abati, Mo Abudu, Dele Momodu & Others Will Meet Youths in Lagos

RISE Networks, Nigeria's leading social enterprise with a deliberate interest and passion for Youth and Education Development is glad to announce the Nigerian Commemoration of the 2015 Edition of the United Nations International Youth Day with the theme as “Youth Civic Engagement: The Significant Role of Youth in Politics and Public Life”. The UN-endorsed event is aimed at promotion and emphasis on the importance of the Nigerian youth in political and civil participation. Youth inclusion in governance and the understanding of their civil responsibilities have been the main focus of both RISE Networks and the UN.

​ ​The event will hold on Monday, August 31st, 2015 at the Multi-purpose Hall, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos by12:00 noon.

Keynote addresses will be delivered by the 
Senate President of Nigeria, Sen. (Dr.) Bukola Saraki (CON) and immediate past Executive Governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Fashola (SAN). Guest speakers at the Panel Discussion session will include Mo Abudu, MD/CEO Ebony Life TV; Moses Siasia, Chairman, Nigerian Young Professionals’ Forum (NYPF); Dr. Reuben Abati, Special Adviser on Media & Publicity to Former President Goodluck Jonathan; and Chief Dele Momodu, Publisher/CEO Ovation Magazine.
Panel discussion will be moderated by Renowned journalist and public commentator, Tolu Ogunlesi.

The event will feature a debate themed “My Political party’s Policy on Youth Inclusion in Governance in Governance and Politics is the best for Nigeria” with representatives from the two major political parties in Nigeria— Rinsola Abiola, Acting President, APC Young Women’s Forum and Member, APC Board of Trustees; and Anthony Ehilebo, Volunteer Secretary, RETHINK Nigeria, a PDP-affiliated Youth Group, taking opposing stands.

There will also be an inter-generational dialogue, art and photo exhibition and stage play as part of the Celebrations. First Bank PLC, Verve, Close-up are official sponsors of the event. The event is ably supported by the University of Lagos. Official media partners are The Sheet NG, For Campus, Ebony Life TV, City 105.1 FM and The Guardian Newspapers.

Speakers from last year's Event include Jimi Agbaje, the PDP Gubernatorial Candidate for Lagos 2015, Mrs Folorunsho Alakija, CEO of Famfa Oil & Forbes rated Africa's Richest Woman, Popular Actress and Politician, Kate Henshaw, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Festus Keyamo, Patrick Obaighagbon, Ex-Governor Liyel Imoke of Cross River & Dr. Joe Okei Odumakin

The event is free and opened to the general public.

You can follow Rise Networks on Twitter via (@risenetworks) and on facebook via (facebook/risegroup). Visit

This Event will be streamed LIVE online and you can watch and join with this link -

Wednesday 19 August 2015

GEJ meets fan in Kenya

The former president is pictured above with Kenyan media personnel, Pauline Ngoroje.

Onyeka Onwenu meets president Buhari (photos)

The legendary singer met with the president at Aso Villa today. See another photo after the cut...

Kim K bares baby bump at the beach with her family (photos)

The reality star, who is almost 6 months pregnant, bared her growing baby bump as she enjoyed some time at the beach in St Barts with her family. More photos after the cut...