Thursday 13 August 2015

Christina Aguilera goes topless with semi-nude selfie

The singer shared the photo of herself standing in her bathroom wearing nothing but a pink undies and a fedora and wrote "Just so you know with me, it's all real, all the time. Felt like it was time to start sharing some personal stuff with you guys... And it's just the beginning. Night night. X'."

Swiss millionaire's son sets fire to Ferrari so he can get a new one

A 20-year-old Swiss millionaire's son paid 3 guys $15,000 to 'steal' and burn out his Ferarri 458 Italia, according to court documents. The reason he wanted the $245,000 supercar destroyed? So he could get an upgrade, a court was told. Honestly.
T he car was one of 15 - including a Lamborghini - which the 20-year-old's rich father had bought for him.
The son had also been given a property portfolio worth around $30 million and received around up to $10,000 a month from his father.
Despite this, he still wanted an upgraded Ferrari.
 The 20-year-old says he was advised by a car dealer to commit insurance fraud. He hatched a plan with friends to set fire to his car, but to cover his tracks decided to do so over the border in southern Germany.
So while he visited a massage parlour -the friends stole the supercar but security camera quickly picked up those responsible for the theft who cinfested to the conspiration.

The 20-year-old told the court his funds had run dry by the time of the incident and was not brave enough to tell his father he did not like the Ferrari.

He was sentenced to 22 months' probation and fined some £20,000. 

New York Daily news.

RMD proudly shows off his white beard in new selfies

He shared the new photos on his instagram page...

Billionaire daughter Adama Indimi releases stunning new photos

Photos from Adama's beautiful 'If I Were President' Photo-shoot released to mark her birthday today. Happy birthday to her. More photos after the cut...

Lil Kim's babydaddy publicly apologizes to her for treating her badly in the past

Lil Kim's baby-daddy and fellow rapper, Mr Papers took to his instagram page today to publicly apologize to her for treating her badly in the past, Below is what he wrote
"I want to apologize to the girl that I Love and the only girl I will ever Love @lilkimthequeenbee my baby's mother/ best friend. She is an amazingly beautiful girl inside & out and the realest girl I know... My heart is with her. I made a lot of mistakes growing up and I even made mistakes after I grew up but one of my biggest mistakes was losing my wife and all that time with my family ...
When I posted a pic of her enemy I was in my feelings and upset because she was posting pics with other niggaz and I acted off my emotions , but the truth is , there is no female out here , rapper chick /celeb chick or regular female that is Badder or flyer than Kim "nobody "!!! And as u guys can see I'm the type of person that just says exactly what I feel No Chill I'm just happy I get to be back in my daughters life . She's my little twin and I won't ever be away from her no matter what ! All I can say is ...God is Real!!! I thank the Big Homie for putting me back with my family (Photo credit @lilkimthequeenb

D'banj (finally) publicly declares his love for billionaire daughter, Adama Indimi

D'banj and Adama have been dating off/on since 2011 and I heard his recent public outing and kiss with SA TV personality Bonang Matheba caused a huge rift between them. Looks like he's trying to make up by publicly declaring his love for her! Sorry, Bonang! I doubt she'll be pleased by this! :-)

Photos: Charly Boy visits Majek Fashek at his rehab center

Charly Boy visited Majek Fashek at the Abuja rehab center where the reggae icon is being treated for drug and alcohol addiction. More photos after the cut...

Photos: Mrs Tonto Churchill stunned as she stepped out today

Mrs Churchill had an interview today at Channels TV and dressed to impress. She's glowing!

Lady claims her brother, a pilot, is also missing from the helicopter crash

Two people are still missing after a helicopter crashed into the Lagoon yesterday. Is this one of them? This lady took to Twitter to share a photo of her brother, saying he's a pilot & missing from the crash.

Photos: Co-pilot of ill fated helicopter crash, Peter Bello still missing

The 26 year old co-pilot of the ill fated helicopter that crashed into the Lagoon yesterday, Peter Bello, (pictured above) has still not been found. 4 persons were confirmed dead while 6 were rescued alive. However Peter and one other person in the 12- seat helicopter are yet to be accounted for as they have not been found by divers.

Reports say they were coming from the Niger Delta where they had gone for an oil-related inspection and were heading back to Lagos when they suffered the mishap. Friends say Peter, who is also a media photographer, had been planning for his sister's wedding which is to hold soon. Pray they find him alive. Amen.