Saturday 8 August 2015

Sugar Daddy Chronicles [Erotica] #15 By @Tomilola_Coco

Sugar Daddy chronicles

Guys, I love you. No, like really. It’s fun to actually share this with you. Thanks for reading always. Meanwhile, what’s everyone doing tonight? Asides reading Sugar Daddy Chronicles of course.
The overly stuffed, bored bitch… or something like that.
That was what happened to me after my date with my Car dealing Sugar Daddy prospect.
He had picked me up himself from Steve’s earlier and had driven me to a restaurant where he ensured I ate almost everything on the menu – from the Isi ewu to the cow leg to the fish pepper soup. He even offered me Chinese just before we left and I had to deny vehemently and then pleaded with the Waiter not to take him seriously before he was convinced there was no space left in my stomach for food.
By the time I was back in his car on our way to see his house, I felt like I had swallowed a whale… make that two.
And he seemed proud of that, he seemed proud to have fed me so much I could barely move.
His house was situated in Ikoyi, it looked grand from the gates but it also announced the owner of the house before you got to the front door.
An Igbo statue was standing in front of the well-tended lawn, a few spaces away from the entrance to the main house.
How I knew the tribe of the statue? Well, it had a red cap on his head and he was decked in traditional Igbo attire.
“I erected that when I became chief in my hometown.” He declared proudly in his heavily accented English and even patted the statue on the back as if it were human when he got down from the car.
I wanted to go home, I was tired, I was stuffed and I had severe cramps.
My period was on its way and my own PMS was different from most women’s. It simply started two weeks before and fucked my hormones up.
“I need to go home soon, Chief Igwe” I said, my hands holding my lower stomach absentmindedly.
“Home kwa?” He asked incredulously, as if he could not believe I had a home.
“I don’t feel too good.”
“You will feel good soon.” He grabbed my hand and held it firmly as if worried I would run out of the compound any opportunity I got.
I became slightly uneasy. This was clearly no gentleman. I had told him I had to go home and the only response I got was being dragged into his heavily furnished mansion.
Talking about his mansion, Dude might as well have been the Igwe of his estate – the sitting room bore different portraits of traditional rulers and the room was decorated with what I knew were expensive native materials, he pulled me along with him into another sitting room, this one smaller than the previous one but with a more striking resemblance to a Palace.
There was a chair placed on a small podium which might have as well been a throne and there was a ramp designed in gold that ran up to the throne-like structure.
Surrounding the throne were chairs which I assumed were for visitors who had come to visit this man and he even had a staff which bore a striking resemblance to a royal staff by his chair.
I chuckled. This must be a scene from an Asaba produced Nollywood movie. There was no way this was even real. Reflexively, I looked around for hidden cameras. Someone had to be capturing this moment behind a camera, I had to be an actress of some sort.
“Do you like it?” He was grinning when I faced him. Wait, he was proud of this rubbish?
“Like it?” I repeated, I was about to shake my head and tell him no when he added, “I am next to the throne in my town”
Of course he was. What other reason would he have had to design a kingdom in his own home?
I was surprised he was not the king of the entire Igbo race already sef.
“And like you know, every King needs a Queen.” His Igbo accent was very distracting, it was preventing me from hearing the real message he was passing across.
His hand which never left mine tightened on me and then his other hand brushed my face lightly, “I want you to be my Queen, Omalicha. I want you to be the Queen of my heart, the Queen of this mansion and all my mansions in Owerri and the Queen of my town.”
He fished inside his pockets for something, then frowned when he couldn’t find it.
A young boy who couldn’t be more than seventeen ran into the room, he bowed in greeting the moment he found us and his head remained lowered as Chimezie Sk Okoli began to speak.
I wondered if he was the one who insisted to have nobody look him in the eye while he spoke to them. From the little I had gathered about him that night, he definitely was that type of man.
“Please go to my room and look for a small diamond box.” He said and Erastus was gone in a second.
“My woman, see I am not one to dilly dally or beat about the forest”
Bush, Oga. Bush. Not forest. But okay.
“And when I want something, my baby I go for it.”
He was accentuating every word, every sentence with a demonstration. His hand was demonstrating how he was “going for it” now.
“And since my wife died” his face suddenly looked sad and I realized that he might be dramatic as hell but that part of his life must have been painful, “I have never admired another woman the way I admire you. And Omalicha that is why I accosted you.”
Erastus was back with the diamond box now, he handed it over to his boss quickly and once again, he was gone before I could blink.
Chimezie opened the box and I gasped in shock despite myself.
There, sitting in the diamond box was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.
“I want to marry you, Lolo. Please marry me back.”
My period had saved me from my first marriage proposal and the awkwardness that followed.
Somehow, as I wondered what the appropriate response would be to Chimezie and his expensive ring, my cramps had intensified and I had felt the first blood of my period drop in my pant.
I hadn’t been lying when I had said to him, “Please I have to go. I have pains. My period.”
He’d let his Driver drop me off so I could “consider the proposal”.
As if I had not been in enough shock, where was the time to consider any proposal?
Beht wait o, how did that happen? What was going on? I could make a movie from my life sha. Maybe calling Step Down to document my life was not bad. I could call it Sugar Daddy Chronicles or something like that.
The car stopped in front of Steve’s compound and as I made my way to his front door, I ran the experiences of the past month in my head – from Cherokee’s shocking revelation, to AKT’s return, to LJP’s Fifty shades of grey drama, to Chimezie’s proposal and even me found it downright hilarious.
I laughed out loud as I waited for Steve to come to the door.
I needed to find painkillers immediately I got inside the house, maybe that annoying Steve would be nice enough to help me find.
The door opened and I saw Ms Amber Rose aka Lade standing by the door.
Her face widened in a smile and she stepped aside for me to walk in. She shut the door behind her and walked right behind me into the house.
Just like the first time I saw her, she was looking beautiful with impeccable makeup, her body clad in a clingy black two piece – the tight fitting top baring her stomach and the skirt, the skirt had a slit that ran up to her thighs revealing a set of toned legs which I knew were a result of great work out and God knew what else.
Steve emerged from the kitchen then, he handed her a plate of chicken salad and muttered a greeting to me.
I knew I had to get away before this got too awkward, so I hurried out of the sitting room into the room I had to myself in Steve’s apartment.
I must have been asleep for at least two hours when I heard the soft knock on my door, it was Steve.
Groggily, I made my way to the door and opened it for him.
He had a worried look in his eyes and if I was his friend, I would have invited him into the room for a conversation but we weren’t friends so no invitation.
“Hi” He replied, then handed me a white nylon that had a restaurant’s name printed on it. “I bought you dinner.”
“I already had more than enough to eat.” I said and then hurriedly added, “But thanks.” And because I was worried he would think I was being cold I said again, “I would just eat it tomorrow.”
He nodded, “Are you okay though?”
Since when did he care? “Not exactly. Can I have painkillers? I have cramps.”
“I have something that would work for that.”
I followed him out of the room, past the sitting room where Banky W’s High Notes was playing softly on the speakers and I knew I should be in pain and all that but I couldn’t help the direction my mind was steered in when I heard those lyrics.
They made me think of me naked and they also made me think of him naked, both of our bodies moving rhythmically to the flow of the song while the heat of passion caused us to lose our minds.
Wait, hol’ up, hol’ up. Was I mad?
“These babies would relieve you in a few minutes.” He said and I grabbed a bottle of water and downed the pills in seconds. I needed the relief because the pain was threatening to make me lose my mind. “Do you have er… sanitary towels? Cos I know, you know, you just left detention and you don’t have… you get what I’m saying, yeah?”
I smiled, actually he had not said anything but yeah, I got it.
The way he struggled with the words while he tried to pass a message around was somehow cute, it almost made me want to reach out, touch his head and run my hands through his low hair.
“I used tissue paper.”
He nodded, “I would get you some Sanitary towels in the morning, I promise.”
“Thank you.” I said and then proceeded to leave. I needed to get back in bed; curling up with a pillow helped me deal with the pain.
“Kaycee.” I turned when he called my name. “I am sorry for being somehow.”
He was apologizing? Okay. Well, I was about to have fun with this.
“What does somehow mean?”
“You know, somehow.”
“Define somehow.”
He was struggling with expressing himself and I had to admit, I was enjoying it. I toyed with the cap of the bottled water in my hands and bit my lips. I was going to savor this moment for as long as I could.
“You’re having fun with this.”
Oh he knew?
I shrugged, “You deserve it.”
“I know.” There was a long pause before he added, “I didn’t like you when AKT was talking about you because he seemed so emotionally invested in you but you didn’t seem to be worth it.” Realizing he might have said something I might be uncomfortable with, he hurriedly apologized, “I don’t mean that in a bad way.”
“I know. It’s fine.”
“I’m sorry, Kaycee. Can we start all over again?”
I nodded, stretched my hand for a handshake and he took it with a smile.
“My name is Kelechi Mbah, you can call me Kaycee.”
“My name is Steve, just Steve. And you can call me Steve.” He chuckled when he said that and I laughed softly.
There was a long stretch of silence before I finally gestured towards the door, “I have to go to bed.”
“Oh Okay, I was wondering if we could see a movie together actually. You know, as friends.”
I considered that, it was not a bad offer. I could watch something with him while I got rid of the pain, besides, I was very awake now compared to minutes ago when he showed up at my door.
“What are we watching?” I asked as we returned to the sitting room where he turned off the light and grabbed his remote control.
“Mad Max.” He replied, tossed a heavy duvet my way and settled into a seat.
I sat near him, covering myself with the duvet, my eyes on the large screen as the movie began.
I glanced at him and wondered if this had anything to do with Lade?
He’d suddenly become nice just after he knew I saw them have sex. Was he trying to pally with me so I did not mention it to AKT? Was whatever that happened with Lade such a big deal he wanted it swept under the carpet so bad?
Who the heck was the Lade chic? I wanted to find out.

My Style: Tosin Sho-Silva

My Style Tosin Sho-Silva - Bellanaija - August2015045Less is more” – Tosin Sho-Silva
It’s time for another fabulous edition of My Style – our monthly BN Style feature that aims to celebrate the unique style of our amazing BN readers.
The My Style page is all about showing how diverse and universal style can be. Style is individual, unique and fun and is a personal representation of how each person expresses their take on fashion; so BN Style watchers let’s appreciate his unique style. :) Enjoy!
Today’s My Style Star is especially chic! With an eclectic style that incorporates vintage, rocker-chic, classy, fun and flirty – we think you’re going to want to bookmark this page.
Oluwatosin Alexandriah Sho-Silva is a fashion enthusiast who is currently studying for her MA in Fashion and Textile Design at Herriot Watt University in the UK. Prior to this time she attended Vivian Fowler Memorial College for Girls in Lagos and got a BSc in Architecture from Covenant University in Ota, Ogun state and a level 4 Diploma in Art and Design: Fashion Pathway from Kensington and Chelsea College in London. We’re sure by now you can tell she really is into fashion & design.
Tosin currently lives in Lagos with her parents – owners of Rose Blossom Bridal, and her little brother.
Stemming from her love for fashion, she created her own fashion & style blog – and wants to start her own womenswear label as soon as she graduates. We’ve got first dibs!
Today, we are going to follow Tosin as she walks us through what makes her tick when it comes to fashion and style.
My Style Is…
… is a media for self-expression and as such I have realized that my style changes and evolves over the seasons, also depending on location and basically how I’m feeling at a particular point in time. However, factors in my style that remain constant are simplicity, comfort and sophistication. I hardly follow trends but work with what silhouettes and shapes that best flatter my body frame.
It is often said that style is a way of expressing whom you are without having to speak. I strongly believe this. You can almost imagine what kind of person someone is just by studying their colour coordination, choice of preferred silhouette for a garment e.g. trousers etc. and I find this very interesting.
My Style Tosin Sho-Silva - Bellanaija - August2015024
My style is versatile. Everyday I want to be something else. Classic chic today, street style tomorrow, it’s all depends on my mood.
Where Style Meets Personality
I’m a very simple person obsessed with neatness and precision in all I do as a result of my design background. This is very evident in my style in terms of colour coordination, makeup, hair etc.
I’m not the most feminine lady and would never trade my comfort for anything so I am most likely to be seen in pointed loafers, sneakers and Chelsea boots as opposed to heels.
Where I Shop Till I Drop
I really love shopping at Zara and Missguided. As it is for many people, shopping is therapeutic for me. If I’ve done a lot of work in a day/week, I reward myself.
My Tresses
My hair is more often than not, high up in a sleek bun because it’s a very neat and clean look, which I pretty much stand for. Asides that, a short side part or all back weave will do.
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My Makeup Code
My everyday make up look is a matte nude lip with black eyeliner from Zaron, brown powder from MAC studio fix, filled brows with a Jordana pencil and mascara from Rimmel.
I never use eyeshadows (unless done by a professional makeup artist) but if I want to go a little extra, I highlight and contour with the Sleek Contour kit, use a foundation from the MAC match master, add some artificial lashes and a bright matte lip colour.
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How I Accessorize
I like to keep my accessories minimal. I stick to the basics more or less; bags, shoes, sunglasses, belts etc.
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I Own the Night
High-waisted shorts or jeans with a pretty blouse and court shoes is my go-to look for a night out. I often indulge in cami tops and midi dresses as well, finishing the look off with a classic red lip.
On a Regular Day
Winter Glam: On a regular Fall/Winter day, I’m always dressed in a turtle/high neck, cropped or chunky knit jumper with jeans and Chelsea boots or trainers. For jackets, I love my maxi coats and smart structured jackets. To accessorize, I throw on a chunky knit scarf, blanket or faux fur stole/headband.
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Summertime Fine: Spring/Summer brings in a lot of pastels, whites and creams for me. Culottes, lace, baby socks, sandals, garlands and oversized sunglasses are all components of my looks in this fabulous season.
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Shoes & Feet + Bag Life
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Getting My “Working Class Girl” On
My typical work look would involve palazzo trousers, high-waisted pencil skirts, pencil dresses, culottes, court shoes, well-tailored blazers etc. Minimal accessories and nude makeup as well.
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My Must-Haves I Think Every Girl Should Have
High waisted everything (jeans, shorts, pencil skirts and culottes), basic white and black tee, court shoes, a solid and structured leather bag, well-tailored black blazer, bouncy sneakers and a turtle neck jumper are all my must-haves.
For others I would suggest a pair of well fitted jeans, a well tailored coat and black long line blazers, chiffon cami tops, a good structured leather bag, black pencil skirts, basic t-shirts, neutral coloured sunglasses and court shoes.
Clean Hues
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Advice For Other Style Lovers
First things first, know what suits your body structure in terms of silhouettes, textures and colours. Forget trends and work with what you have to flatter your most attractive features.
Up Close & Personal
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Me & My Denims
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If I Could Steal A Celebrity’s Wardrobe
Giovanna Battaglia! She is absolutely fabulous in every way.
Which Celebrity Stole My Look
I actually can’t think of any.
My Style Philosophy
As a modernist architect and designer, of course, “less is more” – Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe
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Thank you to Tosin for sharing her amazing style with us. Follow her for more of her style on Instagram: @TosTos_ | Follow her on Twitter: @TShoSilva | Visit her fashion & style blog:
If you are interested in appearing in the My Style feature, simply send two pictures of yourself or that of a friend depicting a typical day and night look with a short summary of your style to style(at)bellanaija(dot)com. When your entry is approved, you will be required to send in more pictures and personal commentaries on your style or that of your friend as the case may be!


For Membership call +2348076567002

BellaNaija Celebrates Academic Excellence – Class of 2015: Chiamaka Ndukauba

BellaNaija presents “Celebrating You! Class of 2015” We called for submissions of graduating students who had excelled in their course of study. We acknowledge the fact that everyone who has graduated this year is a winner. We, therefore, want to celebrate people who have gone over and above the norm. People who have gotten meritorious distinctions and awards from their institution of study. We hope that you are inspired and we look forward to receiving more entries.

Chiamaka Ndukauba graduated from School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London with a distinction in her Masters in Development Economics. Pause. Let that sink in for a bit before you read on.
You see, this is why we continue to celebrate academic excellence. A lover of arts and music, Chiamaka blossomed in a home environment with unconditional love from her family and particular discipline from her mother. She is a firm believer in the fact that she can achieve anything she set her mind to. She described her story like this: “It indeed has been an exciting journey for me fraught with uncertainties and the attendant highs and lows”. In all, she scaled the bar! We enjoyed her story and found it really inspiring. We hope you do, too.IMG_2411
Genius in The Making… But First, Right Course
Towards the beginning of the WASSCE I decided I really wanted to be an economist after following updates on world economies and promptly switched from pure sciences (following my brother’s footsteps I initially wanted to be a doctor) to the commercial department. This was a huge leap but with my parents support and insistence on a private tutor, I quickly gained ground in all courses and aced my WASSCE. Next was my first degree where I attained part scholarship from Nigerian Breweries 2008-2012. Upon completion of my first degree at Veritas University, Abuja, in 2012, I bagged 3 awards (2nd Overall Best Graduating Student, Best Graduating Student in the College of Management and Social Sciences, and Best Graduating in the Department of Economics).
Funding For Masters… Hello Scholarship!
The next step was to attain a master’s degree in Development Economics where my passion lay. While serving as a Research Assistant (NYSC), I became the “professional applicant” for scholarships in the UK universities. I consistently hounded my referees who all provided immense and continuous help in providing detailed reference and recommendation letters for each of the applications (which was quite a lot!). After my final application scholarship application in March 2013 to SOAS, University of London, I sat back and handed all to God, believing and praying for a miracle and at the same time started actively searching for jobs.
A day I would not forget was 1st July 2013 when I had just finished shopping office clothing for a job I was to begin the next Monday and was playing dress up for my mum and sister, when a mail from the scholarship office of SOAS beeped on my phone. My heart literally squeezed as I thought it was the “We regret to inform you….” only to see the subject line had congratulations. I opened this mail to see a scholarship offer for an MSc in Development Economics in London. I screamed for joy while my mum nearly fainted from fright because she could not understand the expression on my face or reason for my scream ha-ha!
The True Test of Dedication, Doggedness & Determination
From the onset it was tough as there was a Preliminary Math and Statistics course, where failure would nullify course of choice and consequently your scholarship (after family thanksgiving in church..mbanu). After scaling through this with distinction grades, the short nights and days when the library was a second home officially began. Thereafter, final exams were completed and the tediousIMG_2471process of dissertation writing began (days of constant 4 minutes frozen pizzas).
Studying Economics at a higher level during this Masters degree really tested my endurance. At the beginning of the course, the requirements mandated at least 2 elective courses upon which I decided to stick with related courses where I already had a solid background. However, a fellow classmate convinced me to try something unrelated but interesting (a course on Capital Markets and Derivatives). It was not a surprise when after I attended the first lecture for this course, I found a remote corner in the library and asked myself if that classmate was sent to torment me haha. However, after I spoke with my brother, who as usual convinced me, I could ace the course, I set out to purchase all the beginner’s books I could find and registered for as many online tutorials as I could. As time went by, I began to grasp the rudiments and didn’t quite feel out of place during lectures.
Another major moment when I began to doubt I could attain that distinction was during an exam where I was so stressed, I completely blanked out. It took at least 15 minutes to calm my racing heart and another 10 to pray, before I just stared at my sheet and answered in a completely different structure from what I had planned.
Finish Strong
My joy came when exam results were released and I attained distinctions in 6 courses save two. My supervisor was totally surprised at the number of distinctions and immensely proud of me, and then promptly threw more curve balls as we discussed my 2nd dissertation draft. After I turned in my dissertation, the official fasting and prayer began – as school policy maintained a distinction must be attained in the dissertation in addition to the course requirement before an overall distinction could be awarded.
When I found out I made a distinction the first feeling that came over me was just gratitude. This was so because for a very long time during my studies I continuously doubted my abilities, but for the several voices of encouragement that continuously put these doubts to rest.
Upon receipt of my certificate with a Distinction in MSc Development Economics, my mum sang praise and worship for hours, while my dad as usual said his solemn “Well-done, well-done, I knew you could do it” (2nd thanksgiving on the way…).
Looking Ahead… To Sub-Saharan Africa
I am looking forward to a career in International Development and Finance. My long term goal is to contribute to curbing abject poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa beginning with Nigeria.
Despite all odds, I set my mind to a goal and put in work not withstanding setbacks, as I knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I simply always handed all to God from the get go and He has NEVER EVER failed me. So to others students out there, ALWAYS PERSEVERE and NEVER LET YOUR FEARS/DOUBTS OVERSHADOW YOUR STRENGTH.
If you want to be part of this inspiring and amazing feature or if you know someone who is part of the Class of 2015 who should be featured here, please send an email to features(at)bellanaija(dot)com. We look forward to reading from you and sharing your academic excellence.