Sunday 26 July 2015

Obama has always been close to his half sister. She was a bridesmaid at his wedding (photo)

Auma Obama is pictured standing behind her half brother. She was a bridesmaids at their wedding in 1992. They have always been close and in each others life. She must be a proud little sister...

Kim Kardashian suggests a 'great' idea to Twitter

Kim Kardashian had a brainstorm last night to help Twitter, and the co-founder responded to her suggestion almost instantly.

Kim tweeted, "I just emailed Twitter to see if they can add an edit feature so that when you misspell something u don't have to delete & repost.  Let's see ..."

 30 mins later, Twitter co-founder, Jack Dorsey responded... "great idea! We're always looking at ways to make things faster and easier."

Genevieve Nnaji & her girls hang out at a resort in Lagos...(photos)

Genevieve Nnaji was out with some of her pals in Lagos today. With no-makeup on, the actress and her friends including Veronica Odeka, Oluchi Orlandi hung out at Inagbe Grand Resorts & Leisure, Lagos. More photos after the cut...

Thieves rob £1,000 bottles from the Queen's supplies

Vintage wine worth almost £1.5million has been stolen from the Royal Family’s supplier by thieves who broke into a warehouse and crawled under laser beams – before opening champagne to celebrate.

Using tactics often seen in Hollywood heist movies, the gang put a ladder against the side of the building to turn CCTV cameras the other way.

They then used power tools to cut a 4ft by 4ft hole in the wall before crawling under the motion sensors which run along the side of the warehouse and trigger an alarm if they detect movement.
After evading the beams, they used wine crates as ladders to climb up to the level where the most valuable vintages are stored.
For 3 hours they formed a chain and passed wooden cases worth around £5,000 each along the floor before pushing them through the hole and stacking them in their van.

French wines from Chateau Latour, which are worth up to £1,000 a bottle, and Chateau Mouton-Rothschild were among those taken from the warehouse in Basingstoke, Hampshire. The thieves opened bottles of Moet & Chandon inside the warehouse belonging to Berry Bros & Rudd to celebrate their success, it was said.

Thursday, sources said the raid ‘had to be an inside job’ because the thieves had an intimate knowledge of the warehouse and its security systems.
‘They knew which way the CCTV cameras were facing and either avoided them or climbed a ladder to move them,’ a source said. ‘And the hole in the wall was cut in the perfect place. It was only inches below the laser security beam. You could not have picked a better spot.’ One source told how the thieves located a hidden security camera inside the building and ‘adjusted’ it so that it would not capture images of the raid.
‘There are members of staff who have worked at the warehouse for years who didn’t know that camera existed,’ he said. ‘That’s impressive inside knowledge.
‘And there are thousands of bottles inside, but they knew where to look. The crates are stacked from Level A to Level F. They went straight to Level B where the best wines are.
‘What I find staggering is that they then had a party to celebrate.’ 
The burglary at the warehouse, which contains both wine for retail and wine which the company stores for customers, took place in the early hours of the day.
The value of the stolen wine is believed to be £1.38million. Hampshire Police confirmed that no arrests have been made and said the ‘investigation is ongoing’.
Berry Bros & Rudd opened in St James’s Street, London, in 1698 and has supplied wines to the Royal Family since the reign of George III.
A spokesman said:
'We continue to work with the police and our security advisers to prevent any incidents from happening again, and have further reinforced the already high levels of security and monitoring at our facilities.’

Mail online

If I Didn’t Marry Early, I Will Probably Still Be Single – Omotola

In every marriage, if you look closely, there will be grounds for divorce. But the right thing to do is to find and continue to find grounds for your marriage to succeed by putting in efforts to make it work for you!

It is a good thing for a woman to be married but it is even more better and honourable for her to love, respect and build a real life with her husband, with both of their eyes on a glorious future together.
Popular actress Omotola Jalade Ekehinde is aware that many ladies in their late 30s and early 40s without a man to call their husband are regretting secretly, but she counts herself lucky for acting right:
“If I hadn’t been married earlier, I probably would not be by now. I don’t know if any other man would have been able to handle me the way my husband has done. It is not because I am a bad person. I am actually a very strong woman.”

This happy family is the result of right decisions.

Buhari Finally Breaks NNPC, Goes After Secret Oil Blocs

President Muhammadu Buhari has finally revealed what will be the fate of the "corrupt" Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC. He is dividing in into two successor entities under his administration.

The President, who stated this in an interview with selected journalists, explained that the decision would form one of the key steps of his reform of the country’s oil and gas sector.
He said, “I am reforming the oil and gas sector, breaking up the NNPC into two parts – the first will become an independent regulator for the sector, while the second will act as an investment vehicle for the country.”

The NNPC is considered a cesspool of corruption and fraud signposted by the non-remission of revenues from oil sale to the Federation Account. Hence, one of the first reform moves by All Progressives Congress–led administration is expected to start at the NNPC.

There had been insinuations that Buhari would unbundle the NNPC into four companies but the President, during in the interview before leaving US, said rather than breaking the NNPC into four companies, it would be divided into two – regulator and investment vehicle.

While one of the successor companies will be an independent regulator, the President said the second would operate as an investment vehicle for the country.

Buhari also said there would be a new bid round for oil blocks in the country, adding that he favours transparent auction process.

I will also end political control of the awarding of drilling and exploration rights [of oil blocs] by introducing a system of independent, transparent auctioning for licences,” the President said.

Buhari, as part of the ongoing reform of several strata of the country, said “Corruption is one of the top three issues facing Nigeria, along with insecurity and unemployment. We must act to kill corruption or corruption will kill Nigeria. I am determined to lead that fight.

“My government is already taking several steps to cut out the cancer of corruption that has been eating away at the state for so long.

“We are reorganising the existing plethora of anti-corruption bodies into single powerful agency that will have the focus, power and budget to clamp down on corruption at the federal and state levels.”

Tinubu behind Saraki’s Wife EFCC Ordeal —Senator

A former Vice-Chairman and member, Board of Trustees of the Arewa Consultative Forum, Senator Joseph Waku, has accused the National Leader of the APC, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, of masterminding the petition that let to the summoning of the wife of the Senate President, Toyin Saraki, by the EFCC.

According to the controversial former Senator, the decision was followed by a promise to help secure a second term for the EFCC Chairman, Ibrahim Lamorde.

But Tinubu said Waku should not be taken seriously, as he's broke and needed money from Saraki.

Waku, in a statement sent to journalists in Abuja on Saturday, alleged that Tinubu is using his personal relationship with the EFCC Chairman “to embarrass and torment fellow party members” as unfortunate.

Waku claimed that his findings showed that Tinubu personally gave the petition to Lamorde under the guise that he was submitting it on behalf of the APC leadership to punish Saraki for working against the party’s leadership on the choice of National Assembly leaders.

He said, “I have chosen to speak out on this issue and make my findings on this issue known to the public. After days of painstaking enquiries, I discovered that both Tinubu and Lamorde maintain a mutually beneficial relationship since the days of Lamorde as the EFCC Director of Operations and based in Lagos between 2003 and 2007, when Tinubu was equally the Governor of Lagos.

“I also discovered from my findings in EFCC that the so-called petition against Mrs. Saraki was personally given to Lamorde by Tinubu under the guise that he was submitting the petition on behalf of the APC leadership to punish Saraki for working against the party’s leadership on the choice of National Assembly leaders. This was followed by a promise to help secure a second term for Lamorde as EFCC chairman.”

The controversial politician, who once called for coup few years after the return of democracy, claimed EFCC “is again being dragged into the political arena to settle political scores like some years ago.”

But when PUNCH contacted Tinubu’s Media Adviser, Sunday Dare, he said, “No one should pay Senator Waku any attention. We know when he is broke and needs a quick fix.”

“What he has said is fit for the trash. No one should dignify Waku’s tales by moonlight with any attention or ever take him serious. For any serious individual with a reputation to protect, Waku is a very poor hire. Waku is an individual with no shred of reputation and a political pariah in his home state.

“Tinubu does not run or dictate to the EFCC. And like countless others, Tinubu had also been investigated by the EFCC several times in the past. Tinubu has no hand in the travails of anyone because he is right now very busy, working with others of like minds on how the APC political agenda can set sail as quickly as possible. That is the urgency of now and not the tantrums of the likes of Waku.”

See How This Babe Caused Wahala With Her Stuff

Someone say some guys around focused on the lady's big ikebe to the extent that one of the male waiter also struggled to peep the massive load. Ladies, package well so u don't attract loose men. Lol!

Kenya rejects US gay rights agenda, what Obama said about it today

Kenya is an anti-gay country. Below is what President Obama said when asked during a press conference this afternoon in Nairobi what he thinks about gay rights in Kenya.
"The US believes in the principle of treating people equally under the law and that they are deserving of equal protection under the law.and that the state should not discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation and I say that recognizing that there may be people that have different religious or cultural beliefs but the issue is how does the state operate relative to people. You can look at the history of people around the world. When you start treating people differently not because of the harm they are doing to anybody but because they are different, that's the path whereby freedom is beginning to erode.
If somebody is a law abiding citizen who is going about their business and not breaking any law and obeying the traffic signs and doing all the things good citizens are supposed to do and not harming anybody, the idea they are treated differently based on who they love is wrong. Full stop."he said
Below is Kenyan president, Uhuru Kenyatta's response on the issue
"The fact of the matter is Kenya and US share so many values, democracy, entrepreneurship, family values. These are things we share but there are some things we do not share. Our culture our societies don't accept. Its very difficult for us to be able to impose on people that which they themselves do not accept. This is why I repeatedly say that for Kenyans today, the issue of gayrights is really a non issue. We want to focus on other areas that are day to day living for our people. Our health issues as we have discussed with president Obama. These are critical. Issues of inclusivity of women, a key section of society that is normally left out of the mainstream of economic development. What we can do in terms of infrastructure, Education, Roads, Power and Entrepreneurship. Maybe once like you have overcome some of these challenges we can begin to look at new once but the fact remains that this issue is not one that is in the foremost minds of Kenyans and that is the fact"he said

Argentinian politician praised after a photo of her breastfeeding her daughter during a parliamentary session went viral

Victoria Donda Perez's eight-month-old daughter was hungry while she was attending a meeting in Argentine National Congress earlier this month so she whipped out her breasts and fed her in the full glare of everyone. She is being hailed as a role-model for women and the picture had further opened up a conversation on public breastfeeding. What do you think? How many women would do same? Some women said that they would rather go into the car or restroom to breastfeed their children.