Sunday 28 June 2015

I Dropped My Presidential Ambition For Buhari —Bukola Saraki

Senate President Bukola Saraki has denied reports that he is nursing the ambition for presidency in 2019, saying he actually quit his presidential bid in the 2015 election for President Muhammadu Buhari.

Saraki stated that he contributed immensely to the emergence of Buhari as President and contributed greatly to his victory in the presidential election held on March 28, 2015.

The Senate President, who spoke to select journalists in an exclusive interview in Abuja on Saturday, also denied having plans to dump the APC due to the crisis in the party over his leadership of the Senate.

Rather, he said what remained paramount in his mind at the moment was how to support the Buhari-led administration to tackle the various social and economic problems confronting the country.

Saraki said, “I was the first person that stepped down his political ambition, once General Buhari announced that he was going to contest the presidential election. And since then, prior to the period of election, I worked tirelessly to support his emergence.

“Even some of my friends who are not supporting me now are doing so because I did not support them in their presidential ambition and that I supported President Buhari. That is why I find it funny that the same people are now claiming to love Buhari more than me. It is a very funny world.

“These are people that I was begging to leave the stage for Buhari to run since all of us are young. They are now the ones going round to say that Saraki did not like Buhari but time will tell.”

Explaining what happened on the National Assembly leadership election day, Saraki said he smuggled himself into the chamber on the day the 8th Assembly was inaugurated when he became aware of an alleged plan to abduct and prevent him from standing for the Senate presidential election.

The Senate President also defended his absence from the International Conference Centre venue of a proposed meeting between President Buhari and APC lawmakers on the day of the election.

He insisted that he did not receive any invitation for the meeting.

Saraki said, “As regards the meeting, on the morning of the inauguration, I didn’t finish meeting until 4am of that day and I had got information that efforts would likely be made to make sure that I didn’t get access into the chambers.

He said the plan before was that senators-elect should go to the Transcorp Hilton Hotel around 8:00am and 9:00am to proceed to the National Assembly.

The Senate President said he was, however, advised against going to the chamber at the scheduled time as there were plans to stop him from being part of the day’s proceedings.

Saraki said he got into the National Assembly Complex as early as 6:00am and stayed in a car in the car park from then till quarter to 10:00am. He noted that all through the period, there was no communication to him.

“So, anybody who said they spoke to me to go the ICC was not true because I didn’t even know what was going on. All I was monitoring was how people were arriving at the complex. It was at quarter to 10:00am that I got information that the Clerk to the National Assembly had entered the chamber.”

Saraki, a two-term ex-Governor of Kwara State and former Chairman of the Nigerian Governors’ Forum, said it was at that point that he got down from the “small car” in which he was hiding and entered the chamber.

“Even when I was in the chambers, I didn’t know what had transpired earlier on. The only thing I observed was that it appeared that some of our senators were not in the chamber. But for the fact that my colleagues arrived in batches, I had the opinion that they were on their way. And by 10:00am, the programme started.

“Before I knew it, my election had come and gone. Even, my people were worried. It was only when I got into the chambers that they were relieved,” Saraki added.

Saraki continued, he described Ekweremadu’s deputy Senate presidency as painful and unfortunate, but maintained that it was caused by the absence of his APC colleagues. He recalled that the PDP senators had announced to the public that they were supporting him.

He further said, “With regard to the deputy, when they told us that they had a candidate, we, too, told them we had a candidate for Deputy Senate President in the person of Senator Ali Ndume.

“We never, in our imagination, thought they (other APC senators) would not turn up. By the time we got there, we were only 24 while the PDP was more than 40.

“It is unfortunate that we have a PDP man as deputy Senate President. It is painful. It is painful for any APC member because when we went through the struggle. That was not what we signed for.”

Saraki said it was unfair to put the blame on “one side” as it was a combination of errors and miscalculations that led having some senators at another place instead of being on the floor of the Senate.

“So, to suggest that it was out of a desperate act to emerge (as Senate President) is what I reject completely and those who followed the events would know that I didn’t have that deal to emerge,” he claimed.

The APC, however, described Saraki’s claim of non-invitation as a lie, "all senators-elect were invited."

Korede Bello meets the Inspector General of Polic

...unto service for the good of the society.

Fashola turns 52 today, his brother sends him sweet birthday message

Former Lagos state governor Babatunde Fashola is a year older today, and his younger brother Demola Fashola took to Social Media to wish him a happy birthday. What he wrote after the cut...

'Since i could remember, i have always looked up to you. My earliest memories are of me sitting on your shoulders while walking to Eagle club. Watching you play tennis and football, and me thinking my brother is the coolest in the world. I remember when u moved to ur own place in aguda. It became my home and playground away from home. You have always inspired everyone around you. You have been a great  brother, a mentor, a role model, problem solver. Mr Trendsetter, i wonder what is next. A leader amongst the rest. With all the pressure, you have always made time for family. Wishing you many happy returns, long life and may Allah Grant all your heart Desires.'

Saturday 27 June 2015

Executive stalemate: Nigeria’s new regime grounded in confusion

...Choosing a wheelbarrow as an official car does not make a president morally decent and fiscally astute; it only exposes his ignorance to issues of fiscal policies.
...Choosing a wheelbarrow as an official car does not make a president morally decent and fiscally astute; it only exposes his ignorance to issues of fiscal policies.
Cartoon collage/Anthony Ogbo, Guardian News
Unable to choose his working team, Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari has been struggling to kick-off a regime he bragged so much about. The All Progressives Congress APC, it may be recalled, ran an electioneering race projecting their candidate, now the president, as a fiscally astute conservative who would curb corruption and appropriately manage the country’s economic and financial resources. The masses at this time are getting something entirely different.
While Buhari, a former dictator backflips with official duties in a representative system unfamiliar to his individual aptitude, his camp has been busy showcasing him with falsehood and deceptive fairy tales. To substitute for total lack of answers for his regime catastrophe, the APC social media warriors have been feeding disappointed masses with some worthless cock-and-bull tales of what is now termed the ‘Buhari Wonders.”
The first fake story to justify Buhari’s humility, and considerateness to money matters came during the government transition period, when the APC claimed that predecessor, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan presented a billion naira budget for delegates’ lunch, but Buhari the “good money-manager” declined any expenses, saying that his transition team would bring their own lunch. Meanwhile this president was in London at the time on a controversial mission not properly communicated to his constituents.
A similar story yet made it to the network from the Buhari’s camp on how during the South Africa’s trip, Buhari paid the hotel bills for his staff, and asked the rest of the entourage to pay their own bills. This was a president yet to name a single staff till date. The propaganda continued with another rumor that hundreds of politicians, including the Petroleum Minister, Alison-Madueke had returned billions of Dollars stolen from the government – because they were afraid of Buhari the “respected honest money-keeper” and disciplinarian.
It is despicable that at this crucial time in the regime, the APC social media ensemble, running out of Buhari praise-worship songs are busy telling self-indulgent stories including comparing Buhari and Jonathan’s cars, use of presidential jets, Buhari’s choice of transportation, and ostensibly his suya flavor. But how long would they continue to feed the masses with these tommyrots.
As I write, the Buhari’s camp in the social media are still tagging around senseless stories about Buhari opting to fly in the economy class over first class; or choosing Okada over official convoy; or proposing to be eating on the floor instead of an official dining table; or heading to Alhaji Suya "bukateria" for his inauguration dinner rather than the traditional Aso-Rock in-house executive banquet.
Major questions remain – when would Nigerians start getting substantial information about the running of the government? Where are the ‘missing girls’? When is this ‘change’ going to start? Where is the unemployment salaries? Where are Buhari’s ministers? Who has been making all decisions so far? Is this still a democracy?
Indeed, Buhari and those who bejeweled him into his current executive predicament have been facing a more complicated political landscape. Even as Buhari announced as a terror-defense strategy, a relocation of the country’s armory to Borno State, Nigeria has remained under a terrorist attacks. In fact, last Monday's suicide bombing at a crowded fish market occurred in the northeastern city of Maiduguri – the same region where the regime relocated its arsenal.
Let us be clear then – that a president chose a wheelbarrow as an official car does not make him morally decent and fiscally astute; it only exposes his ignorance to issues of fiscal policies. Buhari, and indeed his Yahoo drum-beaters should explain their frameworks and preparedness to fiscal reformation. They should tell Nigerians how the regime can sustain in the long run, the existing spending, policies, and tax - without jeopardizing Nigeria’s creditworthiness, obligations or projected expenses.
Without Ministers; not a single known adviser, and without any working team besides obsequious cohorts who worship him, President Buhari is already abusing his official duties, making contradictory policy comments, dictating unmanageable strategy undertakings, and flip-flopping with dire issues of national significance.
As a matter of urgency, the masses are waiting for their new president to at least acquaint them with his plans to proceed. They want to hear about the machinery to translate electoral promises into action, not about limousines, and jets. In a government structure where the President cannot communicate, cannot relate, and worse, cannot corroborate his own policies, there is every reason to worry. It is torturing that under the current regime, citizens have to rely on repentant party bloggers to know the fate of their current economic woes.

Photo: Nigerian drug trafficker arrested in India

A 40 year old Nigerian drug trafficker, Samnneji Chukwuemeka aka Moses Jeffery was arrested by India's Customs officials in New Delhi India on Friday June 26th. Chukwuemeka has been on the radar of the Indian police since 2011 after his attempt to smuggle drugs from India to Holland was foiled.
"He has been under security radar for nearly four years after we foiled his attempt to smuggle 645 grams of brown sugar from Shillong to Holland way back in August 2011 through a courier agency. Finally, we managed to arrest Chukwuemeka only after the immigration cell at New Delhi alerted us that he has been detained by Delhi Police for over staying in India" Superintendent of Customs (Preventive) Shillong, D. Bhattacharjee, told India media

TB Joshua reacts to gay law in USA

Various reactions have come in the wake of America formally legalising gay marriage across the entirety of its borders but one of the most unusual has sprung from a popular Nigerian cleric.

After the historic announcement, T.B. Joshua tweeted a YouTube video showing a young man allegedly receiving ‘deliverance’ from a ‘homosexual demon’.

The clip titled, ‘Deliverance From Homosexual Demon’ shows a Nigerian from Imo State who identified himself as ‘Tedus’ receiving prayer at the church of T.B. Joshua in Lagos, Nigeria.
“I made him gay; I made him love men,” the young man says after being questioned by one of Joshua’s ministers, the clip clarifying that it was an ‘evil spirit’ speaking, which was allegedly behind his homosexual tendencies. Tedus is subsequently ‘delivered’ and later shares his experiences about how the ‘devil’ of homosexuality had possessed him.

He narrated how, upon his return from a business trip in Asia, he had lodged in a hotel in Kenya where he met some male friends who suggested they go for a swim in the hotel pool. “After swimming, I went back to my room and had a dream,” Tedus recounted. “I dreamt where I saw myself swimming in the same pool with naked men.

When I woke up, I felt as if something entered into me. I started having passion for men.” Upon returning to Cameroon where he was based, Tedus ‘sacked’ his fiancé without any explanation. “I had no passion for her anymore – no more affection. She was astonished and asked so many questions which I couldn’t abswered. On the internet, I discovered so many things on gay websites and began downloading gay pornography. That’s how it started.”

According to Tedus, he saw his newfound homosexual lifestyle as ‘normal’ until his pastor in the church where he worked as a translator called him aside privately. “He told me that I had to go to Nigeria to The SCOAN and that I needed deliverance.” Tedus reluctantly agreed. After making the journey in December 2013, when the time arrived for people to receive prayer in the church service, he described a sense of anger welling within him as one of Joshua’s pastors approached. “When he prayed for me, I lost control,” he described.

“I knew I was talking but I never knew what I was saying.” Since receiving prayer, Tedus testified that all homosexual feelings have left him. “Those feelings for men are no longer there; I have real passion for the opposite sex. I couldn’t control the former passion.” The clip then jumps to almost one year later where Tedus returns, this time with a young lady whom he introduced as his fiancé. “The Bible says that a man ought to be with a woman.

After my deliverance, I travelled to Imo State and there I met this wonderful lady and proposed to her,” he said, with a large smile, testifying that is life has changed ‘tremendously’ since receiving prayer. “My advice is that if you come across somebody that may be having the same problem, you shouldn’t criticise them but rather pray for them,” he said. “People just believe it’s a normal thing; it’s not just ordinary. There is a force or spirit behind it. The only way out of this is deliverance. It is like a virus. Once it gets into you, it is only deliverance from Jesus Christ that can get you out of it.” In his comments, T.B. Joshua quoted Matthew 7:1, stating that Christians should ‘talk salvation, not condemnation’. “God hates sin, not sinners,” he insisted.

“When I say, 'Do not judge so that you will not be judged', I mean we should hate sin, not the sinner because sinners can change. If you have killed a sinner by judging him, there will be no opportunity for change. Sinners can be delivered. We should hate the act, not the people because our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the 'spirit beings' that cause all these acts.”

He then went further to clarify his stance: “The Bible is my standard. If my parents were one, I would not have been given birth to.”

Article by Ihechukwu Njoku  

Photos: Anambra residents protest alleged plans by FG to transfer Boko Haram prisoners to Anambra prisons

Residents of Anambra state took to the streets this morning in Awka the state capital to protest the alleged plans by the Federal Government to transfer some Boko Haram prisoners down to Awka prisons to serve their time. The residents are not in agreement with the alleged transfer. There are reports that major markets in the state including the Onitsha main market were closed down. More photos after the cut...

100yr war veteran who did not complete high school awarded an honors high school diploma

Introducing Bill Moyes, born 1915, VET who served in WWII but did not complete high school. He was awarded an honors high school diploma from the New Rochelle High School & was among their Class of 2015. More photo after the cut...

Press statement by Ikedi Ohakim - says his life is in danger

Press statement I just received from the office of former Imo state governor, Ikedi Ohakim.
Following some recent developments around my person and the avalanche of misinformation and deliberate lies being peddled about me, I am constrained to issue this statement, first to douse anxiety of every well-meaning fellow who has shown concern and second, to alert members of the Nigerian public to a clear danger to my life.

 On June 1, 2015, I travelled out of the country by LH 595 operated by Lufthansa with seat number 04K to honour a medical appointment and also attend my daughter’s graduation at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. On June 02, 2015, a newspaper posted a headline that I had been apprehended and taken to custody by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for fraud and misappropriation of public funds.

On inquiry, I discovered that the story was taken to the newspaper in question by an aide of a top politician in my state, Imo. Instructively, the story was carried by only the newspaper in question. A few days later, the same aide of the supposedly top politician took another fake news to some media houses that I sneaked abroad to dispose of my properties because of bankruptcy.

 What is playing out began with a petition against me to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) by the same desperate politician in my state. The petition was written by a group he fabricated that goes by the name, Alliance For Good Governance. Those who are conversant with the politics of Imo state would recall that it was this same group that constituted itself into a vicious gang-up against my administration. It was this group, the Alliance For Good Governance, that sold the lie that I molested a Catholic Priest in Imo state.

It was the same group that carried out the failed public demonstration against me in front of the EFCC Headquarters in Abuja. It was the same group, led by this same politician, that was used by those who were bent on denying me my victory at the April 26, 2011 governorship election, to kidnap an INEC returning officer, one Mr. Ngozi Nwoko, and took him to Bolingo Hotel, Onitsha, Anambra state, where he was locked up, thus preventing him from turning in the results from Ohaji-Egbema local government area which put me in a clear lead. The kidnap of Mr. Nwoko was the first script that led to the so-called supplementary election of May 6, 2011 during which the final script was acted out.

One of the issues raised in the petition was the same carried in similar petitions shortly after I left office four years ago. For example, the petitioners demanded, among other things, that I should be investigated for misappropriating the proceeds from the N18.5billion draw-down from the Imo N40 billion Development Bond which my administration issued in 2010.

Faced with the severe financial crunch of 2008 – 2010, my administration mustered the discipline and secured a N40b Development Bond in 2010 with a first tranche draw-down of N18.5b. Before we left office, we serviced our obligation to investors for the first tranche of the bond to the tune of N10.1b (principal + interest) and we left behind the sum of N13.3 billion from it, being part of the total of N26.6 billion we handed over to the succeeding administration. Up till this moment, the administration that took over from mine has not denied that I left behind N26.6 billion including the N13.3 billion from the Bond proceeds. And on this score, I challenge anybody, whether in government or outside government, to controvert this assertion.

Even so, let me refer to a statement credited to the current administration through its Commissioner for Finance and as reported in the Daily Sun Newspaper of Wednesday January 23, 2013, page 10. The report quoted the Commissioner as saying that “the previous administration of Ikedi Ohakim had secured a bond of N18 billion for capital projects such as roads, water and Oguta Wonder Lake, but when we came to power, we decided to prioritize our projects. Out of the N18 billion that was secured, about N6 billion had been spent and we met only N12.5 billion and we convened a meeting of all stakeholders and got their approval to approach SEC to change the use of the fund”.

The report further stated that the Commissioner disclosed that “the balance of the bond proceeds were channeled into critical areas of infrastructure development such as the building of 305 classroom blocks, building of ultra-modern general hospitals in the 27 local government areas of the state and construction of vital roads across the local government areas, informing that works were currently going simultaneously in the various communities”. Need I say more?

 Part of the script is to set me up against the federal authorities especially those manning the security agencies. I have it on good authority that, again, my voice has been cloned in a purported interview I granted to a radio station in which I supposedly lambasted some top federal government officials, including those heading the security agencies. The tape of this fake interview was then handed over to some of these key Federal Government officials.

While I do not necessarily link this development with a recent incident with the EFCC, there can be no doubt that the intention is to put me on a destructive collision course with the federal authorities. But I believe this plot will also fail because those top government functionaries being targeted are not vulnerable to such evil machinations and antics. Still, I feel it is important to alert fellow Nigerians to this practice which is however not new in my state, Imo. Apart from that this method was massively deployed against me prior to the 2011 general election. Another former governor of the state and an elder statesman, also from the state, recently suffered a similar fate in the hands of these criminals using the same trick.

Apart from voice cloning, these elements are also experts in forging signatures. They did it in 2010 when they forged the signatures of a prominent Catholic Archbishop, an Anglican Bishop and other prominent political leaders in the state in a petition against me to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. But the plot failed because the latter, upon investigation, discovered that the Archbishop, the Bishop and the leaders in question never wrote any petition. The discovery was also to the bewilderment of those highly regarded top clergymen and leaders. I advise other public figures in the entire country to be on the watch because this habit is capable of spreading.

 Finally, let me seize this opportunity to make some clarifications over my so called arrest by the EFCC on Thursday June 18 2015. As a law-abiding citizen, I will always make myself available to any investigative agency because I have absolutely nothing to fear. However, let me seize this opportunity to state that it is high time we stopped trying to create disord between vital agencies of government like the EFCC and pubic officers, past or present. The agencies are there to do their jobs. Orchestrating newspaper reports on their legitimate lines of actions gives the erroneous impression that the agencies and their officials are out to witch-hunt. This is unfortunate and, in my view, it is one of the major reasons why there is so much myth about the accountability by public office holders.
On the incident of Thursday, June 18, 2015, I would submit, with the highest sense of responsibility, that the drama was unnecessary. I never evaded invitation by the agency. This can be corroborated by the statement made by the commission’s spokesman, Mr. Wilson Uwujaren, as quoted in the media: “We were expecting a former governor of Imo State, Ikedi Ohakim, today (Wednesday) to come and shed light on some issues in an old case we have been investigating. We are about rounding off the investigation and we need him to clarify some issues but he didn’t show up; he may still come today or tomorrow” (see Daily Sun of Wednesday, June 17, 2015; page 13). So, the question is, if the commission knew or realized that I could still “come today or tomorrow”, why the drama just the following morning?

In other words, the admission that they were still expecting me “today or tomorrow” negates the impression created by a section of the media that I was avoiding arrest. It means that by the time the spokesman made that statement on Wednesday June 17, 2015, I was not yet a subject for arrest; notwithstanding the fact that I was at the headquarters of the commission the same Wednesday, June 17, 2015 to submit a letter asking for more time in view of my health challenges; and which letter was duly acknowledged.

There is no intention here to pitch my words against that of the commission which, as I noted earlier, is doing its legitimate duties. But I am compelled to make this clarification in order to erase the impression that Ikedi Ohakim was evading “arrest”. Let me repeat for the umpteenth time that I have no reason, whatsoever, to evade interrogation by any anti-corruption agency in Nigeria, or anywhere in the world, concerning my tenure as governor of Imo State.

Throughout my tenure as governor, we never hunted political opponents. There was no political assassination, no arson, no official of government disappeared. There was no impeachment of any kind or threat of impeachment. No senatorial zone complained of marginalization. No contract failed. No contractor ran away with the state’s funds. There was labour harmony. We never owed salaries as we made payment of salaries a first line charge. In short, there was law and order and Imo worked on one page.

But contrary to the goodwill that existed while I was in office, I have since become an object of attacks and ridicule. Nigerians will recall that on May 15, 2014, directly after I declared interest to re-contest the governorship election of my state, my only house in Owerri was bombed in what was evidently, an attempt to assassinate me. As I write this statement, my portrait is still missing from amongst those of other former governors in a gallery created for that purpose at the Government House, Owerri.

Still, let me state that in spite of the misadventure of some of these elements who see me as their only obstacle to ‘greatness’, I remain committed to the peace, progress and stability of Imo state in particular and Nigeria in general. I have implicit confidence that the vision, dedication, fear of God and honesty of purpose with which I served my people shall vindicate me.
To God Be The Glory.

Photo of the day

This photo reportedly taken in Indonesia, shows two boys on their way to school passing a group of their peers who are on their way to work. Quite sad to look at!