Monday 8 June 2015

Must read! Conspiracy theorists have started on Caitlyn Jenner

You know how conspiracy theorists have a weird, confusing explanation for everything? Well, they have started with Bruce Jenner, turned Caitlyn Jenner. In this article titled 'The Agenda Behind Bruce Jenner's Transformation' published on,, the website attempts to explain why Bruce turned to Caitlyn and the explanation is quite scary. Not that I believe it. Read after the cut...

Bruce Jenner is now known as Caitlyn Jenner and, for some reason, all media outlets have converged to turn this personal transformation into a massive, all-encompassing media event. Why is that? Because Jenner’s transformation was not personal, it is a planned event meant to support an ongoing agenda.

After the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games, Bruce Jenner was an American hero and was dubbed “the world’s greatest athlete”. He then embarked in a movie and television career, which solidified his near-superhero mystique in popular culture.

After his marriage with Kris Houghton and his involvement with Keeping Up with the Kardashians, most of that mystique was gone. He was part of the Kardashian experiment, the family that was built by mass media and for mass media, from absolutely nothing, to monopolize the attention of masses. From sex tapes to relationship rumors to butt pics that are supposed to “break the internet”, celeb marriages, and young girls becoming sexualized at a young age, the Kardashians constantly seek media attention for all kinds of purposes. Bruce Jenner’s story is yet another chapter in that story. And, like most of the “events”  involving the Kardashians, Jenner’s transformation was meticulously planned with perfect mass media coverage to gain worldwide attention.

Before I go further (and because some people like to put words in my mouth), I need to emphasize that I do not think that all transgenders are “evil” nor that they are part of a sinister Agenda. If one feels more comfortable and happier living as the opposite sex, well that’s their business and not mine. As a staunch proponent of true freedom, I will never judge a person who took a personal decision to live a better life. Bruce Jenner’s sex change, however, was everything but personal. It was an orchestrated media event, blown-up to proportions so large that it has been turned into a grand ritual, a staged ceremony meant to push an agenda.

Following the Script

Like the rest of the Kardashians, Bruce Jenner’s fame in 2015 (almost 40 years after winning his gold medal), is solely due to mass media keeping him famous. In other words, he is famous because he’s famous. And he stays famous because the elite is using his family to push an agenda.

 In 2013, I published an article entitled The Kardashian 2013 Christmas Card: A Tribute to the Illuminati Entertainment Industry, where I analyzed a highly symbolic Christmas card created by David Lachapelle – a fashion photographer who is no stranger to the MK-Ultra based entertainment industry. That Christmas card was somewhat prophetic.
The Christmas card features Kardashians posing in a deserted movie theater that is replete with imagery representing the true role and the true fate of that made-for-showbiz family.
Bruce Jenner, the only male in that photo, is the only one in that is not posing fashionably. Quite to the contrary, he is imprisoned in the cashier’s booth, which looks like a giant test tube.

Stuck in a what looks like a giant tube, Bruce Jenner is gazing at statue that is wearing a gold medal – but that is also dismembered. That statue clearly represents Bruce’s past self, which was, since then, broken  and symbolically dismembered. Jenner is now trapped in the tube that is show-business, like some kind of lab rat.

His daughters, who were about 15 at the time, were also depicted in a near prophetic matter.

Kylie and Kendall Jenner posing in front of an Illuminati pyramid which strongly hint that they’re owned by the occult elite’s system.
Since 2013, the Jenner sisters have indeed been fully integrated the Illuminati system, fully pushing ongoing agenda of sexualizing minors.
The sisters often pose while doing the One-Eye sign, confirming that they’re owned by the system.
In this picture, the sisters are holding the hands of two invisible, “shadowy” men, representing the sinister unseen handlers controlling their lives.
So, not unlike Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the actual lives of the Jenners are mostly scripted. Caitlyn Jenner is also part of the script.

Perfect Media Storm

After his divorce, Bruce Jenner could have silently stepped out of the spotlight and lived his new life in relative privacy. But the exact opposite happened. Caitlyn saturated all major media outlets in a carefully orchestrated media storm. Here’s what happened in the span of a few weeks.

Speaking of courage, in a rather absurd, almost forced, media move, Caitlyn Jenner will be receiving the Arthur Ashe Courage Award during the 2015 ESPY Awards in July 2015. Caitlyn’s “courage” was deemed superior to Lauren Hill, a college athlete who played basketball despite an inoperable brain tumor and who died earlier this year.

There is more: Caitlyn will be the subject of her own reality show … expect a whole lot of magazine photoshoots.

The Hidden Agenda

As stated above, Jenner’s transformation was not intimate nor personal. It was a grand, ceremonial, ritualistic event that symbolizes a change in society as a whole. An important part of the elite’s agenda is to debase, confuse and mix up the natural, harmonious order of things. It is about steering away from what is real, pure and authentic to move towards to the fake, artificial and the constructed. For this reason, there one aspect of the Agenda that is becoming increasingly apparent : The feminization of the male and the masculinization of the female. Under the guise of “empowerment”, men who act like females and females who act like men are not only accepted, but celebrated. I personally do not have a problem with that. I DO have a problem with the other side of this agenda: Men who act like traditional men (and do not feel the need to apologize for it) are now portrayed as evil and wrong. And, all of a sudden, portraying a stay-at-home mom who takes pride in cooking for her family is considered “sexist”.

In other words, it is about a complete reversal of gender roles. Simply by looking at our genetic make-up and the behavior of most mammals, one can observe that males are engineered to hunt, provide and protect while females are made to “nest”, care and nurture, While modern living has made these traits less dominant, they are nevertheless part of our core being. And mass media is heavily focusing on promoting the exact opposite of this. It is about the attacking the mind with messages that conflict with our natural inclinations. If you look at what is happening right now in mass media, you have, on one side, the head of the Kardashian family putting on makeup and wearing dresses while, on the other side, you have Taylor Swift training for combat with big weapons, with a gang of tough, violent women (see the video for Bad Blood).

While Jenner is an all-American product, Europe also went through its ritualistic, transgender event.

Conchita Wurst was the winner of Eurovision 2014. To further confuse everybody in the world (including other transgenders) Conchita wears a beard.
The above image of Conchita, with the strategically placed antlers, alludes to the lesser-known, esoteric part of the Agenda. In occult secret societies, the highest stage of illumination is achieved through the internalization of duality and the equilibrium between opposing forces –  good and evil, active and passive. male and female. This concept is symbolically represented by the horned, hermaphrodite god Baphomet. It is also represented in alchemical symbolism such as the Alchemical Androgyne :
“The symbol reproduced above is from a rare edition of the Turbæ Philosophorum published in Germany in 1750, and represents by a hermaphroditic figure the accomplishment of the magnum opus. The active and passive principles of Nature were often depicted by male and female figures, and when these two principle, were harmoniously conjoined in any one nature or body it was customary to symbolize this state of perfect equilibrium by the composite figure above shown.” (Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages).
Of course, the concepts above are meant to be interpreted in an esoteric and spiritual context where the human soul transcends its physical shell. However, today’s elite is bent on twisting and corrupting occult concepts, using its inherent powers for sinister purposes. Therefore the concept of equilibrium has turned into a unhealthy obsession on transgendered media pawns.

In Conclusion

Because, simply touching on the subjects I discussed above leads to unwarranted accusations of sexism, “transphobia” and whatnot, I feel the need to emphasize one point: This article is not against transgender people who decide to make a change because it makes them happy. It is against the exploitation of transgender people to push an Agenda.
The Caitlyn Jenner story was orchestrated to bring specific concepts to the forefront, notably the complete reversal of gender roles. Although the elite’s occult teaching are about complete equilibrium, they want the masses to be completely out of balance. That’s how you keep them confused and malleable. 

Fake Doctor Busted: See The Man caught practicing illegally

This is what happens when a person believes the only way to thrive is to engage in fraud of any kind:

A senior official of Federal Ministry of Health, Martins Ugwu, who has been practising as a ‘medical doctor’ for over nine years, has been arrested upon discovery that he stole the licence from his friend.

Ugwu, who is a Senior Medical Officer II on Grade Level 13, was found to have impersonated his friend, Dr. George Daniel, who is undergoing a residency training programme in Jos, Plateau State.

He allegedly stole the licence from his friend for whom he was best man during his wedding in 2006. 
They both hail from Orukpa in the Ogbadibo Local Government Area of Benue State.

According to Punch, Ugwu, who was due to be promoted to an Assistant Director in the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control, a parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Health, has been working in the civil service since 2006 under the name, Dr. George Davidson Daniel, until he was indicted by the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria as an impostor.

Fake Doctor Ugwu who was arrested by the police last Thursday, was, however, released a few hours later, fueling speculations that the policemen might have been compromised.

Ugwu’s arrest was sequel to an investigation by the MDCN, which registers all Nigerian doctors and regulates their practice after investigations, the MDCN uncovered two Dr. Daniels - the same name on two separate identity photographs.

The MDCN in a letter to the Chairman, Federal Civil Service Commission, dated June 4, 2015, signed by the Registrar, Dr. A. Ibrahim, described Ugwu as an impostor, adding that the case had been reported to the police for further investigation and action.

It reads, “Records available to the council revealed that this “Dr.” Davidson Daniel George is an impostor as he is impersonating another Dr. Davidson Daniel who is the genuine doctor and he currently undertakes his residency training in Jos, Plateau State.

“The council summoned and interacted with the genuine doctor who gave some vital information on the impostor. The council has reported the matter to the law enforcement agency as a case of impersonation; with the genuine doctor deposing to a statement with regard to what happened between him and the fake doctor whose real name is Mr. Martins Ugwu.

“As it is, Mr. Martins Ugwu is an impostor. You may therefore wish to take further actions to deal with this matter in accordance with the provisions of the law.”

The MDCN said it was dissatisfied with the manner the police handled Ugwu’s case and promised to take up the matter with the Inspector-General of Police.

When contacted, the FCT Police Public Relations Officer, Anjuguri Manzah, said the police were investigating the matter.

“The matter is under investigation, though the suspect has been released on bail for now,” he stated.

Huge 52nd birthday bash announced for TB Joshua in South Africa

A huge birthday celebration is set to be held in South Africa on Friday 12th June as Prophet TB Joshua turns 52. An announcement posted on Joshua’s official Facebook page revealed that award-winning US Gospel Artist Vashawn Mitchell would be among those performing at the event.

The Nigerian cleric’s popularity in Southern Africa has shown no signs of waning, despite the tragic building collapse that claimed the lives of 84 South Africans in his church last year.

 Indeed, family members of those who lost their lives and survivors of the incident are among those organising the celebration for Joshua, alongside ‘The SCOAN Family in Southern Africa’.

Joshua has uncannily not appeared in public since his crusade in Mexico last month. It was announced on his Christian network Emmanuel TV yesterday that the cleric had arrived back in Nigeria over a week ago but was “waiting for God's command on what to do next”.

Speculations are rife that Joshua may soon be leaving Nigerian shores on a more permanent basis, fuelled further by the message yesterday which stipulated no birthday celebration would be held within Nigeria.
Written by freelance Nigerian journalist, Ihechukwu Njoku   

Madam Diezani Undergoing Cancer Treatment On Her Breast

The immediate past Minister of Petroleum Resources, Diezani Alison-Madueke, is undergoing a new round of treatment for breast cancer, according to a family source knowledgeable about her condition.
The inside source disclosed that Mrs. Alison-Madueke is currently in a hospital in London where she started a fresh round of therapy on Friday. The treatment was described as a daily therapy that will last for one week.

Mrs. Alison-Madueke left Nigeria on May 23, 2015 on a British Airways flight. Then President-elect, Muhammad Buhari, was also on the same London-bound flight, raising speculations that the former minister might have hurriedly booked herself on the flight for the opportunity to talk to Mr. Buhari. However, a source on the flight told SaharaReporters that the then president-elect quietly but firmly discouraged all efforts by Mrs. Alison-Madueke to hold a conversation during the 6-hour flight.

The former Petroleum Minister has not returned to Nigeria since that trip, Sahara Reporters found.

SR source also disclosed that Mrs. Alison-Madueke, whose tenure as minister was marked by several billion-dollar scandals, underwent surgery last year to remove tumors from her breast.

As one of the closest ministers to former President Goodluck Jonathan, Mrs. Alison-Madueke was at the center of a controversy over more than $20 billion in oil revenues that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) reportedly failed to deposit at the Central Bank of Nigeria. The NNPC is an agency overseen by the Petroleum Minister.

Owing to huge corruption in the oil sector, President Buhari may personally run the Petroleum Ministry. 

Sunday 7 June 2015


Happy Birthday To My Big Brother My Chief My Doctor-Brighter Years Awaits you ,Big Ups wishing you Gods Protection and Guidance.


At no point did I steal from Nigeria - Alison-Madueke addresses Sanusi and $10m private jet allegations

In a fresh interview with ThisDay, immediate past Minister of Petroleum Resources, Dieziani Alison Madueke reacted to all the allegations of corruptions leveled against her while she served as Minister. Alison-Madueke said contrary to reports, she never stole from the Nigerian state. She said she worked for the betterment of Nigeria while she was Minister and sacrificed her time to ensure the petroleum sector was developed. 

In the interview, Alison-Madueke acknowledged that she and her team might have made mistakes. Read full interview after the cut...

"Did we make mistakes? There would always be mistakes. People would always make mistakes. Everybody make mistakes and there is no question about that. Have we learnt from our mistakes? Of course we have. But please do not say I stole $20 billion or $18.5 billion because I did not at any point in time. And if NNPC misappropriated funds or so, they have the entire explanation and more forensic audit should be done to determine how and why. But people should not make damaging accusations which have nothing to do with an individual. At no point did I steal from the Nigerian state. And if NNPC misappropriated funds or so, they have the entire explanation and more forensic audit should be done to determine how and why. But people should not make damaging accusations which have nothing to do with an individual. At no point did I steal from the Nigerian state.  In fact, the first mantra I had from the time I came in was that I will never touch anything that has to do with the Federation Account and I never did and I will take that to my grave. So I will suggest that this issue of $20 billion or $18 billion be dropped because that is the major problem I had with my job. I was accused of unsavoury things, but which were actually accusations against NNPC and the audit was deployed to clarify all these things. So let us deal with the issues. I have never gone around accusing people of doing this or that, I have always stuck with the issues even when I was the most abused minister, I was professional, I stuck to the issues and responded only to the issues.”she said

The former Minister addressed allegations made against her by Emir of Kano and former CBN governor, Sanusi Muhammad 1st, that she disobeyed the directive of former President Umar Yar'Adua to stop the subsidy plan on Kerosine. 

"Let me just make this very clear to Nigeria as a whole because this is an area of great pain for me. That Sanusi should say I sustained the subsidy is not true, when very clearly in 2009, the late President Yar’Adua gave a written directive to the late Minister of Petroleum Resources Alhaji Rilwan Lukman that he should remove the subsidy on DPK. This subsidy on DPK was never removed by the late Minister of Petroleum Resources, whom I considered to be somebody that I regarded almost as a mentor. For reasons best known to late Alhaji Rilwan Lukman and the then economic team, the Finance Minister and others, they never implemented the directive to remove the subsidy. By law and the Petroleum Act, you must gazette such a removal for it to become law and of course it has to be published so that Nigerians would know that there has been a change in the price of the petroleum product. It is illegal to do it or to say you have done it, if you have not gazetted it. Even before that, former President Goodluck Jonathan who was the vice-president at that time, had also clarified, even in a public media broadcast and in person as well, that the subsidy was never removed. So I sought clarification from him and he also made the clarification clear in a public media broadcast about a year and a half ago, that the subsidy was never removed. So at no time did I go against a president’s directive. It is not possible that I would have come in as a Minister of Petroleum in 2010 and found that kerosene subsidy no longer existed and that it had been gazetted and I would have suddenly upturned it. Government is a continuum and so it was not possible that I could have done that. So I feel very pained that Sanusi would make it sound like I was the one who went against late President Yar’Adua’s directive. I think this should clarify this issue once and for all.    It’s high time Nigerians got some insight into your personality, because there were lots of complaints that you are aloof, inaccessible and some even alleged that you were an absentee minister who spent more time at home than in the office"she said.

The former Minister also addressed the allegation of renting a N10 million jet for personal use as Minister

"Well, I don’t know whether that issue is still in court. But the reason that I went to court was simple. First of all, nobody can lease a jet for N10 billion over a period. You can buy three jets for N10 billion. So that was obviously a nonsensical argument and I did not lease any jet. The NNPC leases jets and NNPC leased those jets to the best of my knowledge because at that point in time, they had no official planes. As an oil and gas ministry, we have purview over everything and it was actually very wrong that we had to borrow planes from these multinationals whom we were supposed to oversight. So over the years, I am talking about over the last 15 or 20 years, NNPC had either owned, leased or borrowed, both jets and helicopters. That was the case when I came in.
Yes, we had a very old jet which nobody was going to touch and another jet had just been bought by late Alhaji Lukman just before he left, a Hawker. Unfortunately, the moment it came, because it had been sitting unused for over a year it became a problem. In fact, NNPC was advised to sell it because it was a problematic model and had sat unused for a long period. They were advised to sell it, but they didn’t sell it. Then after a year of its purchase, it crash-landed in Nsubi and we had to actually give it out for spare parts to the National Security Adviser’s office at the end of the day. It was during this period that they leased the private jets for executive movement and operations in general, which we also used, as had always been the case. In that respect, the reason for the leasing and the amount involved are all available and I am sure the NNPC would be willing to give that information to whoever wants to look at them for public records. So again, it was a fabrication that came out from nowhere and was thrown at us as if suddenly out of the blues and for the first time in history, the NNPC was leasing jets or helicopters".

The Former Minister stated that the jet was never for personal use "No it was not for my personal use, it was for executive movement, which is has always been the case. I am saying just like the $20 billion, you find something, you throw it on the person to feel smart or to make it look as if the person is junketing all over the place or as if nobody had done that before in the annals of the NNPC. Of course we were not junketing all over the place. To be very honest, if they had never done that contract to lease the jet, we would have been hiring at a higher cost and which probably would have caused less of an issue. But to be frank, the lease that was put in place, to the best of my knowledge, was done with a company which even Shell and others have been using. So there was a known company with a very good track record and was being used in the industry by other multinationals.
But the other issue that you raised in terms of the National Assembly was not even because of the plane. The reason the plane was used in the legal brief was because that was the topical issue at the time. It was because in that year, the Minister of Petroleum had been summoned to the National Assembly, according to my officers, almost 200 times. And at this point, it became apparent that we were not going to be able to work or to perform our duties as a government agency anymore. So it was now becoming a situation whereby every week, they summoned the Minister of Petroleum, one of the parastatals or NNPC, and it was now becoming virtually impossible to actually perform our duties as an MDA. As such, at that point, our lawyers just felt we needed to stop it because it was becoming extremely disruptive. That was the basis on which the legal action that was taken, just to allow us some space to continue working" she said

Photos: Pres. Buhari at dinner hosted by the President of State of Bavaria in Germany

President Muhammadu Buhari who is in Munich, Germany for the G7 Summit, attended a dinner hosted by The President of State of Bavaria today. More photos after the cut...

Floyd Mayweather asks to have a special carpet rolled out in front of his private jet everytime he gets off (photos)

Lol. When people have co much money they don't know what to do anymore. The champion boxer who is worth over $300million told his private jet crew to roll out a special TBE custom carpet every time he gets off his private jet. And check out his Diamond Hermès HAC 50 Crocodile Hermes bags.

Pics: President Buhari arrives Munich, Germany for G7 Summit...

Pictures from president Buhari's arrival in Germany today for the G7 Summit. More pictures after the cut...

ISIS militant tweets selfie giving away location, Air Force blows up entire HQ 22hrs later

Islamic State militants like to use social media for their propaganda and sometimes, the use of social media is their undoing. According to reports, an Islamic State militant tweeted a selfie in front of an IS headquarters in Syria, bragging about how they have recently seized a new territory. Unknowingly to them, intelligence analysts in the US were able to determine the exact location the pic was taken.

A day after the selfie was posted, a coalition airstrike tore the building to shreds and killed everyone inside.

"The guys were combing through social media and see some moron standing at this command bragging about the command and control capabilities for Daesh,” Air Force General and head of Air Combat Command, Herbert ‘Hawk’ Carlisle, told The Telegraph “Long story short, about 22 hours later through that very building, three JDAM’s [Joint Direct Attack Munitions] take that entire building out. It was a post on social media. Bombs on target in 22 hours.